Core Values

One of our Core Values is “Make our school the best choice for parents and students.” Every year, our parents express their appreciation for how well we keep them informed through the Voice of the Parent survey results.

To continue to provide effective communication between home and school, we need to be mindful of the number of communications that are sent each week. It’s a best practice to only send your newsletter and possibly one other post (if you forgot something) a week. Parents shouldn’t be receiving 3 or more communications per week because it can be overwhelming, especially if they have more than one student. Thank you for ensuring our communications are clear and concise! 

Dress Down Days


When students earn a dress down day for completing forms, perfect attendance, and other rewards it is for those students only, not staff, because those students did something to earn it! This is similar to when we have staff dress down days in which students aren’t allowed to participate. Staff can participate in schoolwide dress down days that are offered to everyone (spirit day, $1.00 dress down, etc.).

Please feel free to wear one of your dress down or jean passes on student earned dress down days. And don't forget you get to wear jeans EVERY Friday. If you have any questions, please reach out to a leadership team member.

Board Gift


Please complete this survey if you have any ideas for this year’s holiday gift from our board.



Jeanne for so many things. Thank you for distributing Chromebooks, assisting with student compact forms, and helping set up tables.     

Robyn M for getting all the Leadership Opportunities assigned.

Robyn and Alex for being acting principal in my absence. Great job settling into the role.

Stacey Reed and Alex for completing the C&I document. I appreciate you finding time during a hectic day to complete this task.

Stacey Ramirez for all your work with the Mum Fundraiser. It’s because of you that we can do a lot of fun things for staff and students.

Cindy and Andria for staying late to help with Student Compact forms. It amazes me how you are willing to support a colleague.

Monique for spending long hours after school to support a colleague.

Andria for bringing me great attendance initiatives.

Jen D for sharing a best practices that you observed of a colleague.

Stephanie for rescuing me when I was stuck in my office and needed water.

This Week


Monday, September 30:

    ·      Y5/Kinder Social Media Post Due to Jorvonna

    ·      Kinder Fall Numeracy (September 30-October 4)

    ·      Jorvonna Out of the Building (Bay Mills Leadership Conference)-Alex Acting Principal

Tuesday, October 1:

    ·      Jorvonna Out of the Building (Bay Mills Leadership Conference)-Stacey Acting Principal

    ·      Field Trip Location & Date Submitted to Jorvonna

Wednesday, October 2:

    ·      Jorvonna Out of the Building (Bay Mills Leadership Conference)-Robyn Acting Principal

    ·      Count Day

    ·      Free Dress Down Day

    ·      Falak’s Birthday

Thursday, October 3:

    ·      Emily’s Birthday

    ·      Purple Club

Friday, October 4:

    ·      Progress Reports

    ·      Payday Friday Breakfast-4th Grade

    ·      Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Mental Health Awareness)-Good-Lang

Happy Birthday


Falak: October 2

Emily: October 3

Important Dates


October 7: Nikki’s Birthday

October 8: Staff Meeting Snacks-5th Grade

October 8: Staff Meeting

October 9: Perfect Attendance Dress Down Day

October 10: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Bullying Prevention Unity Day)-Robinson

October 10: Monique’s Birthday

October 11: Jorvonna Out of the Building (Personal)-Stacey Acting Principal

October 14: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Anti-Bullying Month)-Patton

October 15: Courtney’s Birthday

October 16: ½ Day (Staff PD)

October 17: Family Learning Night 5:30 PM

October 18: IAT Meetings

October 18: Trunk or Treat

October 18: Payday Friday Breakfast-8th Grade

October 21: Robyn P’s Birthday

October 22: PLC (Team) Meeting

October 22: Picture Re-takes

October 24: 30 Hour PD

October 24: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (American Indian Heritage Month)-M. Higgins

October 25: Parent-Student Compact Due

October 25: Spirit Day

October 25: Kim J’s Birthday

October 25: Middle School Dance 4-6 PM

October 28-November 1: Warm Detroit Coat Drive (NJHS)

October 28-November 1: 3-8 ELA & Math Interim 1

October 28-November 1: 3-8 Science Interim 1 (Grades 3-4, 6-8)

October 31: 1st Grade Social Media Post Due to Jorvonna

*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!  

Board Gift Ideas


Every year, our board gives us a gift for the holidays, and they love suggestions from the staff. As a reminder, this gift has to come out of their marketing budget, so it has to contain either our school’s name or logo on it. Keep in mind that they purchase gifts for 65 people, so be mindful of the cost. Please complete this survey by Friday, September 27 if you have any ideas for this year’s holiday gift.

Professional Development Trainings

Please make sure you complete all required trainings, especially Code of Conduct and Harassment & Discrimination. Both are due by October 3 and NHA is closely monitoring completion of these two trainings.

Welcome to the Team!

We have hired two new staff members. Judy Bantau is our new lunch aide. She started this past Monday. Judy is the parent of one of our 7th graders. We have also hired a former parent, Leslie Leposky as our new ETC. Her first day will be Monday. Please welcome them to the team when you see them!   

CPI Training

We are hosting NHA’s regional CPI training on Wednesday. That will be approximately 30 people from other NHA schools in our gym. This means that lunch will be in classrooms.

Robyn, Jen H, and I are required to attend to renew our certificates. Alex will be the acting principal. Jwain will be handling all Level 5 behavior calls. As always, if you see any of the visitors, please give them a warm Keystone welcome!   

Core Values-BWC

One of our Core Values is to “behave with care.” We want to encourage our staff to use our High Five system. To create a school culture built on respect and positivity, any staff member that sends 5 High Fives each month will receive a jeans pass. Please make sure to notify your dean to receive your jeans pass. 


Peer Observation Reminder


Don’t forget to fill out this form by September 27 if you would like to participate in peer observations. 

ABCDE Goal-Attendance


Congratulations to Ms. Thomas’ and Ms. Joye’s classes for spelling the word, HERE!

I love that we are starting to see some progress with our attendance initiatives.



Jeanne, Kathleen, and Jen S for winning the western wear competition.    

Jen S for making sure that a new student was set-up for success.  

Stacey Reed, Jeanne, and Kim J for collecting the trash cans after lunch.  

Cindy for compiling Driveline suggestions.   

Robyn M for an informative and well-run safety meeting.

Stephanie for capturing a student’s special moment for me.

Stacey Reed for providing valuable knowledge regarding caseloads.

Jen H for assisting a colleague with a schedule.

Emma for providing our students with the art club AGAIN. You are the pioneer for offering our students an after-school club for free!

Nikki and Crystal for putting a smile on a student’s face and encouraging a love for reading.

Christina for answering my call at the last minute and assisting me with a personal matter.

Jeanne for offering me Starbucks.

Courtney for providing support to a student which gives him access to learning.

Jeanne and Kim J for going above and beyond to offer back up.

Robyn P for always greeting me with a smile every morning. It starts my day off great!

Diane for stopping by and saying hello because “you can’t go too long without seeing me.” Just WOW! You know how to make a person feel special.

Teri for being willing to coordinate our spelling bee AGAIN. I love that you take on this extra responsibility every year.

Monique for getting me your social media post SUPER early.

Sarah M for providing me with two really great ideas to enhance our school culture.

Amy for providing me with a laugh when I made a false allegation against you.

Gloria and Rachel for onboarding a new colleague.

This Week

Monday, September 23:

    ·      Mum Delivery

    ·      Jorvonna Out of the Building-Robyn Acting Principal

    ·      Fall PTO Fundraiser (September 23-October 7)

Tuesday, September 24:

    ·      September 27: PLC Meetings

Wednesday, September 25:

    ·      Education Benefits & Parent-Student Compact Dress Down Day

    ·      CPI Training in Gym-Alex Acting Principal  

Thursday, September 26:

    ·      Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Global Diversity Awareness Month)-Brown

Friday, September 27:

Spirit Day $1.00 and Popcorn $1.00

Important Dates

September 30: Y5/Kinder Social Media Post Due to Jorvonna

September 30-October 4: Kinder Fall Numeracy

September 30: Jorvonna Out of the Building (Bay Mills Leadership Conference)-Alex Acting Principal

October 1: Jorvonna Out of the Building (Bay Mills Leadership Conference)-Stacey Acting Principal

October 2: Jorvonna Out of the Building (Bay Mills Leadership Conference)-Robyn Acting Principal

October 1: Field Trip Location & Date Submitted to Jorvonna

October 1: SLT Meeting (3:50-4:20)  

October 2: Count Day

October 2: Free Dress Down Day

October 2: Falak’s Birthday

October 3: Emily’s Birthday

October 3: Purple Club

October 4: Progress Reports

October 4: Payday Friday Breakfast-4th Grade

October 4: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Bullying Prevention Unity Day)-Good-Lang

October 7: Nikki’s Birthday

October 8: Staff Meeting Snacks-5th Grade

October 8: Staff Meeting

October 9: Perfect Attendance Dress Down Day

October 10: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Bullying Prevention Unity Day)-Robinson

October 10: Monique’s Birthday

October 11: Jorvonna Out of the Building (Personal)-Stacey Acting Principal

October 14: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Anti-Bullying Month)-Patton

October 15: Courtney’s Birthday

October 16: ½ Day (Staff PD)

October 17: Family Learning Night 5:30 PM

October 18: IAT Meetings

October 18: Trunk or Treat

October 18: Payday Friday Breakfast-8th Grade

October 21: Robyn P’s Birthday

October 22: PLC (Team) Meeting

October 22: Picture Re-takes

October 24: 30 Hour PD

October 24: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (American Indian Heritage Month)-M. Higgins

October 25: Parent-Student Compact Due

October 25: Spirit Day

October 25: Kim J’s Birthday

October 25: Middle School Dance 4-6 PM

October 28-November 1: Warm Detroit Coat Drive (NJHS)

October 28-November 1: 3-8 ELA & Math Interim 1

October 28-November 1: 3-8 Science Interim 1 (Grades 3-4, 6-8)

October 31: 1st Grade Social Media Post Due to Jorvonna

*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!  

Staff Fun-Western Attire Contest


It’s time to have some staff fun with your attire. In recognition of “International Country Music Day,” on September 17, staff is encouraged to wear western themed clothing such as hats, boots, jeans, flannels or other relevant items. This can be as simple as you wearing your Keystone August PD shirt with jeans. However, there will be a prize for the most creative outfit. We look forward to having a little fun with a themed dress day as we continue to Saddle Up for Success.

Peer Observations


The leadership team would like to offer peer observations again this year. You will have two opportunities (October/November and February/March) to observe your colleague through this formal process. However, teachers are free to set up additional observation times to take place during open times in their schedule.

To participate in the first round of peer observations, please follow the steps below.

Step 1: Set goals for desired areas of growth with your dean.

Step 2: Request a peer observation by filling out the required Google Form before Friday, September 27. The first round of observations will take place during the months of October and November.

Step 3: The leadership team will set up a 30-45-minute observation based on teacher request and send calendar invites.

Step 4: Teacher will complete this Professional Development Peer Observation form and return to your dean the day after the observation takes place.

Step 5: Debrief with your dean during the following O3 and discuss next steps. 

By doing peer observations, it provides valuable opportunities for reflection, gives insight into teaching practices, mutual professional development, and quality improvement in teaching and learning. Peer observations are not required but provided as an additional way to support teacher growth and development. 

Core Values

One of our Core Values is to “take ownership for the success of our students.” To do this, it’s important that we ensure that we are following the assessment cycle. As you follow Phase 2 (Analyze Data), please review these questions to determine the next steps regarding your assessment data in gradebook. 


ABCDE Goals-Chronic Absenteeism


Congratulations to Ms. Patton’s class for being the first class to spell the word, HERE! Also, congrats to Mrs. Nelson’s class who also spelled HERE. Don’t forget to inform me and your dean when you spell any of the attendance words (HERE, PRESENT, or ATTENDANCE).



Mandy, Cayla, Teri, Sarah, Monique, Flo, Valyn, Diane, Danielle, Lynne, Falak, Jessica W, Kathleen, Christina, Crystal, Robinson, Steve, Josie, Tracy, Amy, Megan, and Lori for participating and providing an attendance slogan.   

Jen H, Stacey Reed, Robyn, and Alex for presenting at the staff meeting. I know how much you love speaking in front of people. :)

Robyn, Stacey Reed, and Alex for working diligently to make things easier for our staff. The changes to the workshop lesson plans provide our teachers the opportunity to analyze student work while still having high quality instruction.

Christina for always coming to my office just to say “hi.”  

Stacey Ramirez for spending hours with me organizing the shed. I am truly grateful that you match my crazy.   

Emily for your commitment to our students and science. I am so grateful for your sacrifice of personal time and passion.

Stacey Reed for working a miracle and being in compliance with 504s.

Alex for your willingness to have difficult conversations to make things better.

Robyn for everything Chromebooks. Thank you for taking on this additional role to ensure our students have the necessary items to be successful. 

Stacey Ramirez for allowing me to do a brain dump to make my vision come alive.  I am also extremely grateful for your support with organizing the shed.

Nicole for creating a new attendance document.

Flo for using your artist skills to assist a student. The care you showed was amazing.   

Diane and Amanda for sharing treats with the staff.

Monique for the constant laughs that have nothing to do with work. I love our conversations.

Tracy for being willing to adjust your practices so students have opportunities to explore Science Olympiad.

Linsey and Danielle for referring a friend to a job posting. It speaks to our school culture that you would recommend Keystone as a place to work.

Danielle for inviting me into your classroom to view your 9/11 presentation.

Jane for constantly greeting me with a smile and positivity. You are a wonderful addition to our team. 

Andria for running an excellent Sylvan program. WOW!