Peer Observations


The leadership team would like to offer peer observations again this year. You will have two opportunities (October/November and February/March) to observe your colleague through this formal process. However, teachers are free to set up additional observation times to take place during open times in their schedule.

To participate in the first round of peer observations, please follow the steps below.

Step 1: Set goals for desired areas of growth with your dean.

Step 2: Request a peer observation by filling out the required Google Form before Friday, September 27. The first round of observations will take place during the months of October and November.

Step 3: The leadership team will set up a 30-45-minute observation based on teacher request and send calendar invites.

Step 4: Teacher will complete this Professional Development Peer Observation form and return to your dean the day after the observation takes place.

Step 5: Debrief with your dean during the following O3 and discuss next steps. 

By doing peer observations, it provides valuable opportunities for reflection, gives insight into teaching practices, mutual professional development, and quality improvement in teaching and learning. Peer observations are not required but provided as an additional way to support teacher growth and development. 

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