Staff Member of the Year

At the end of every school year, Keystone recognizes a Teacher of the Year which is determined by your peers. This year we are calling it Staff Member of the Year because the nomination can be any staff member. Think of someone who you feel goes above and beyond, continues to make Keystone a better place, and works hard for students every day. Please complete the survey below by Wednesday, June 4 and we will announce the winner at our staff meeting in June.

Know Anyone?

We still have our Admission Representative position available. Do you know a parent or someone who is creative, positive, and organized? This person would work 10 hours a week; the hours are flexible.

The purpose of this position would be to assist with enrollment by providing advertisements to local businesses, attending local events (Strawberry Festival), give tours of our school, and planning our school’s enrollment events (Middle School Night, Popsicle on the Playground, August Back-to-School event, etc.).

Please let me know if you have anyone in mind. There WILL be a thank you gift if your recommendation is hired!

Salary Letters

Please see me next week during your planning to receive your 2019-20 salary letters.

EOY Deadlines & Cancelled O3s

As a continuous effort to provide you with adequate time to meet the EOY deadlines, we have cancelled O3s for the last two weeks of school.

Three items are due this week: class assignments, grades entered, and the slideshow.

Shout Outs

Kim B. for communicating everyday about recess. Thank you for going above and beyond!   

Ellen for going above and beyond to ensure the safety of two 7th grade students.   

Ellen, Sarah Z, Ashley, Liz, Kaylie, Jen D, Cari, Robyn, and Jamie for all your help with the May 28 incident. I am greatly appreciative of your “see a need, fill a need” mindset.  

Tully, Tracy, and Steve for a successful 8th grade trip to DC. 

Kari for assisting me with the Board Binder.

Kari for working with the 8th graders who didn’t go to DC with completing their virtual projects.

Kelly, Christina, and Sarah D for all your hard work with the Arts, Beats, Sweets, and Screens event. The students had a blast.

Andria, Lisa, and Jaclynn for celebrating the hard work of your students. The parents and students loved the Writing Celebration.

Cari for being financially responsible and finding expensive “hidden” equipment.

This Week

Monday, June 3:
   ·    May Perfect Attendance assembly

Tuesday, June 4:
   ·    Tully’s B-day
   ·    Purple Club

Wednesday, June 5:
   ·    PTO Meeting 4 PM in Parent Room

Thursday, June 6:
   ·    Class Assignments due to Deans

Friday, June 7:
   ·    Y5s-5 Field Day
   ·    All Grades Entered into Gradebook
   ·    End of the Year Slideshow Pictures Due

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to all the end of June-July birthdays!

June 29: Jackie
July 8: Teri
July 9: Kelly
July 11: Lisa
July 12: Stacey
July 20; Sheila 

EOY Activities

I saw some creative ways to end the school year on a positive note from We Are Teachers. They provided 30 different activities, but I’ve copied my favorite six activities in the document below, but please click on the link for all the ideas. My favorite activity was “Let the students become the teachers.” Let me know if you try any!  

Free Items

The “free items” in the staff lounge will be thrown away every Friday. Please take any or all the items.

EOY Deadlines

The admin team tried to provide adequate notice and time in-between the End of the Year (EOY) deadlines. Please make sure that you are planning ahead by paying close attention to Upcoming Dates & Events document that was passed out at the staff meeting.

The first item due is the supply lists to your Dean this Friday!

Shout Outs

Nicole, Lindsay, and Laura for a successful Market Day!  

Sarah D for assisting me with finding items at a lower cost.  

Michelle for implementing a variety of behavioral strategies to support a student.    

Ashley for attending a parent meeting afterschool and having all the documents ready.  
Stacey for attending retention meetings. You have a wonderful team approach when it comes to our students.

Sarah Z. for volunteering and setting up a school visit with a parent.  

Michelle, Sarah D., Jaclynn, Andrew, and Sarah Z. for all the preplanning to make sure we have a fun field day!

Andrew for resolving an athletic issue. Thank you for your quick response.  

This Week

Monday, May 27:
   ·    No School-Memorial Day

Wednesday, May 29:
   ·    Nicole’s B-day
   ·    Robyn’s B-day
   ·    Arts, Beats, Sweets, & Screen

Thursday, May 30:
   ·    Andrew’s B-day
   ·    Arts, Beats, Sweets, & Screen

Friday, May 24:
   ·    Specials SOM Assembly
   ·    Spirit Day-$1.00 Jeans and 50 cent popcorn
   ·    Supply List due to deans

Happy Birthday

Nicole: May 29
Robyn: May 29
Andrew: May 30

Important Dates

Please view the right side of the blog for important dates in 
*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!  

2019-20 School Calendar

I’ve included our approved 2019-20 school year calendar to help you plan for the summer and next school year. Please note, that additional events will be added over the summer and throughout the school year.

Don’t forget that August PD is August 19-23. We have a late evening on Wednesday, August 21 for the Ice Cream Social. Please plan accordingly.

Feedback Survey

Feedback time...AGAIN! 😊
Please complete the survey with a list of places and/or types of food that you would like for the 2019-20 school year.

End of the Year Tasks

As you start your end of the year tasks, I wanted to let you know that we have SOME postcards in the copier room. Each teacher needs to complete 30. You can print a label with a message, or you can handwrite them. We have ordered additional postcards and we will let you know when they become available.

In addition, you may begin printing your attendance for CA-60 beginning on June 7. You would need to print the Attendance Totals By Marking Period report. Please be mindful that you will have to keep track of students’ absences after June 7, to make sure you are putting accurate attendance in the CA-60s.

Lastly, you will need to enter your PLCs individually in MOESC. The State requires them entered by date.  

Perfect Attendance

Congratulations to Mrs. Johnson’s class for earning all their attendance letters for 10 days of perfect attendance. That’s two classes in the middle school so far! WOW!

Shout Outs

Cindy for organizing NJHS to add flowers around the front of our school.

Sarah Z. and Sarah D. for being the M-STEP make-up queen! 

Robyn and Cari for organizing TIR lesson observations. I appreciate that you took the extra step to ensure that we are hiring the best!  

Lindsay and Jill for allowing a guest teacher in your classroom. I appreciate the warm welcome that you gave them.    

Stephanie for gathering all the documents for NHA that supports our school.   

Robyn for informing everyone that “We love our teachers!” Thanks for showing the extra love.  

Jena, Kim, and Dionne for covering your colleagues in a time of need. I love that neither of you hesitated to assist.  

Sarah D. for organizing and communicating out about NWEA testing.

Andria for getting me an example of the correct attendance report.

Cari and Robyn for conducting retention meetings in my absence.

Cari, Stephanie, Theresa, and Robyn for ensuring the safety of our students last Friday.

This Week

Tuesday, May 21:
   ·    Dionne’s B-day

Friday, May 24:
   ·    Principal of the Day decided that students and staff may wear comfortable clothes (no leggings, cutoffs, or tanks tops and shorts must be the length of fingertips)

Happy Birthday

Dionne: May 21

Staff Room

The staff room will be closed Thursday, May 16 from 8:30-11:30 a.m. as we conduct Registrar interviews. Thank you for your understanding as we strive to fill this important position in our school.

Shout Outs

Kari for assisting with all the binders and cutting out staff names for the raffles.

Kelly and Mechelle for all your efforts with putting on a wonderful talent show.  

Kayla, Teri, Anne, Stacey, and Robyn for attending the talent show.  

Jen H., Robyn, Cari, and Jamie for all your hard work with Staff Appreciation Week.

Stephanie for always helping me with a last-minute request.
Kari for your support with M-STEP make-ups.

Sarah D. for making PowerPoints more engaging.

Tracy, Ellen, Nicole, and Steve for staying late and providing middle school parents with end of the year trip information.

Jen H. for another successful Perfect Attendance snack shop.

Michelle for supporting a colleague with instruction.

Sarah D. for creating the M-STEP make-up schedule and assisting with proctoring.

This Week

Tuesday, May 14:
   ·    Staff Meeting 4PM in Francine’s room
   ·    Staff Meeting Snacks-Specials
Friday, May 17:
   ·    Mechelle’s B-day
   ·    Pay Day Friday Breakfast-3rd Grade
   ·    Jorvonna Out of Building: 6-8 Math PD

Happy Birthday

Michelle: May 17

Staff Appreciation Week

In appreciation for all that you do EVERY day, there is something special planned every day next week for Staff Appreciation Week. The theme is Teachers Make Our World a Better Place. We hope you enjoy your around the world experience next week-see below for all the details.

Moral Focus

Our Moral Focus virtue for May is Integrity. This month, students will be studying what it means to live with integrity. Integrity is the virtue that guides us as we work to put all other virtues into action.

My challenge to you this month is to reflect on how you have been modeling Moral Focus virtues in your classroom and throughout the school. Make it a priority to grow in integrity between now and the end of the school year by using the Investing in Integrity questionnaire below as a guide. For the past few years, #5 has been a personal goal of mine. I do feel that I am a very integrous person, but I am constantly reflecting to make sure I am delivering the truth with care! Which number could you improve on? 

Staff Room

The staff room will be closed the afternoon of Tuesday, May 7 beginning at 10:30 a.m. as we conduct Registrar interviews. The PTO will be providing you with lunch. Feel free to use the parent room, a dean’s office, or my office to eat.  Thank you for your understanding as we strive to fill this important position in our school.

Shout Out

Cari for gathering Driveline data to improve the process.

Sarah D and Stacey for working several hours together to finish our master schedule. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. I was lost without you!

Sarah D for working with me to complete the Master Schedule Questionnaire. It was a blast!   

Stephanie and Theresa for taking on additional tasks during this transition.  

Sarah D, Tracy, Stacey, Jamie, and Kelly for working together on the middle school schedule.

Cindy, Diane, Francine, and Jamie for surviving 6th grade Camp! 

Sarah Z. for all of your work in preparing our SE students for their transition to high school.

This Week

Monday, May 6:
   ·    Perfect Attendance Assembly

Tuesday, May 7:
   ·    Ashley’s B-day
   ·    Melissa H’s B-day

May 8: 
·    Talent Show 5-7 PM
Thursday, May 9:
   ·    Board Meeting at 6PM

Friday, May 10:
   ·    Y5s-2 AND 3-5 SOM Assembly
   ·    Theresa’s B-day
· Jorvonna Out of Building: 6-8 ELA PD

Happy Birthday

Ashley: May 7
Melissa H: May 7
Theresa: May 10