15-Minute O3s


It’s that time again where I would like to have a 15-minute O3 with every staff member.

This gives both of us an opportunity to connect. As often as I am in classrooms seeing the great things that you all are doing, I don’t get to hear how you are feeling about everything. Please come to the O3 willing to share with me one thing that you like about Keystone and one thing that if we changed would improve Keystone.

I am asking ALL staff members to please use the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RoEqYpVBDCsr5kzCQrwJt-kNLr2l3oPMA8KGh3WymlY/edit?usp=sharing to sign up by Sunday, September 26.

I have the 15-minute O3s occurring next week. However, if there isn’t an available time that works, let me know. I will be sending out calendar invites on Monday. I look forward to spending this time with you!



NHA is rolling out a resource for NHA educators called “The Teachers’ Lounge”, a digital library of podcast episodes, videos, and blogs that feature NHA’s educators and cover a plethora of teaching-related topics.

At this time, it is a resource for teachers as they start the new school year learning about creating an inclusive classroom to classroom management for new teachers.

The Teachers’ Lounge is a great way for NHA teachers to share their knowledge and be featured both internally and externally. If you think that you would enjoy being involved in The Teachers’ Lounge, please let me know and I will pass along your information to NHA. 

Flu Shots


On November 4 we will be offering the flu shot to all staff for free in the staff lounge. We know it’s over a month away, but that was the earliest appointment that we could get.

Progress Reports


Parents will be viewing their child’s progress report on the Parent Portal on October 8. As a part of our Green School initiative, we will not be printing progress reports. Please make sure that you have a true representation of their child’s academic progress by having enough grades entered by October 8.

Shout Outs


Keystone teachers for stepping in and covering lunch while the admin team was teaching this week.

Kari, Melani, Sam, Steve, and Tracy for being willing to give up one prep every week. Your selflessness does not go unnoticed.

Jamie, Robyn, Stacey, and Tameka for teaching this week! I feel like we are being pulled in a million different directions every day, but you still come to work with a smile on your faces! Thanks for leading by example.

Ellen for covering 7th grade elective for 3 days so I could have a minute to breathe. 😊

Kari for taking on additional tasks to ensure that all 7th graders received quality instruction.

Flo and Mandy for ensuring that students demonstrated our high behavior expectations. Thanks for embracing ALL students! 

Lindsey for doing the stop sign in the rain.

Ashley H for always being willing to step in and help.

Stacey for teaching PE to help reduce my stress.

Jamie for rearranging A LOT of schedules and responsibilities.

This Week


Sunday, September 26:

   ·    Sign Up for 15-Min O3

Tuesday, September 28:

   ·    PLC (Team) Meeting 4-5 PM

Thursday, September 30:

   ·    Title 1 Parent Info Meeting 6 PM

   ·    Fall Picture Day

   ·    Y5s/Kinder Facebook Post Due 

Friday, October 1:

   ·    Payday Friday Breakfast-6th Grade

o  Attire: Jeans with professional top and shoes

   ·    Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Anti-Bullying Committee

Saturday, October 2:

   ·    Falak’s Birthday

Important Dates


October 5: SLT Meeting (Team Leads) 3:50-4:20 PM

October 5: Breast Cancer Spirit Day $1

October 6: Count Day

October 7: Purple Club (MS only)

October 7: Nikki’s Birthday

October 8: Progress Reports Go Home

October 8: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Anti-Bullying Committee

October 10: Monique’s Birthday

October 12: Staff Meeting 4-5 PM

October 12: Staff Meeting Snacks-5th Grade

October 14: Family Learning Night 5:30 PM

October 14: Day of Awesomeness (Fall Fundraiser Event)

October 14: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Anti-Bullying Committee

October 15: No School

October 20: Stomp Out Bullying Spirit Day $1

October 22: IAT Meetings

October 22: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Anti-Bullying Committee

October 25: Kim J’s Birthday

October 26: PLC (Team) Meeting 4-5 PM

October 29: Payday Friday Breakfast-Specials

October 29: Spirit Day $1

October 29: Trunk or Treat 5-8 PM

October 29: Commitment to Excellence Forms Due

October 31: 1st Grade Facebook Post Due


*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!  

Happy Birthday


Falak: October 2

There is a special gift in the mailboxes of all the people who celebrate their birthdays in October.

Virtual Instruction Preparation


During our staff meeting, you were informed that we want to be proactive in case an entire class has to quarantine. As a reminder, please make sure the following is done by September 24.

    ·      Google Classroom has been created.

    ·      Synchronous schedule and student groups are saved on the U-Drive à 2021-22 Teacher Documents à Virtual Instruction à Grade Level folder.

·      To ensure we are still providing high quality instruction, Y5s-5 should have two sets of student groups:

1.    ELA and math: students are divided into 3 groups for math and ELA instruction.

2.    All other subjects: students are divided into 2 groups.

    ·      K-5 synchronous schedule must include the following:

1.   3-30 minute ELA sections, 3-30 minute math sections, Workshop (ELA and math), specials, office hours, and two sections of science, social studies, and writing. See the many examples on the U-drive à 2020-21 Teacher Document à Remote Model à Trimester 2 folder.

Please see your team lead for assistance with this task because all team leads have created synchronous schedules last year that were approved meeting the criterion above.

Lastly, please make sure your dean approves your synchronous schedule.

Classroom Rewards & Incentives


Click on Rewards & Incentives for classroom reward and incentive ideas. Please explore all four Jamboard pages for ideas other than what was discussed with your wing. 

Thank you for the collaboration and sharing of ideas.

Core Values


One of our Core Values is to “act with discipline to sustain our academic success and financial viability.” So, please make sure to pick up all the copies that you are making. There have been a lot of unclaimed papers in the copier room.

As a reminder, please only print color documents to the color printer. I’m seeing a lot of black and white documents coming from that printer. The ink for the color printer is more expensive than the other copiers.

Shout Outs


Emma, Jessica G, and Sarah D for constantly assisting the admin team with lunch set up and breakdown. We could NOT do it without you!

Teri for being a model to me of our social contract in your words and action.

Jena for sharing a best practice.

Stephanie for ordering things in a pinch.

Keystone teachers for seeking out and carrying out accommodations for our special education students.

Teri for great communication about a shared student.

Angela and Jen H for jumping in to support resource room services

Stacey for facilitating our team’s social contract. You did it in a very creative way!

Tracy for welcoming a student into your classroom.

Tracy, Kari, Sam, Ashley A, Cindy Chuang, Megan, Jenaca, Josie, Ashley B, and Teri for welcoming visitors into your classroom to observe you in action.

Ashley H and Stephanie for always protecting me from unwanted phone calls and emails. 😊

Diane and Tracy for organizing MOYA!

This Week


Sunday, September 19:

   ·    Workshop Lesson Plans Due in Dean’s Google Classroom

Monday, September 20:

   ·    Grades 1& 2 Fall Math Numeracy

Friday, September 24:

   ·    Substitute Binder Due

   ·    Google Classroom, Synchronous Schedule, and Student Groups Created for Virtual Learning

   ·    Ashley B’s Birthday

   ·    Morning Assembly Presentation Due-August

Important Dates


September 28: PLC (Team) Meeting 4-5 PM

September 30: Title 1 Parent Information Meeting 6 PM

September 30: Fall Picture Day

September 30: Y5s/Kinder Facebook Post Due

Happy Birthday


Ashley B: September 24

School Visit


Our math and ELA specialist from NHA’s Curriculum & Instruction (C &I) team, along with our DSQ are coming to visit our school on Tuesday, September 14 from 11:45-2:45. The purpose of their visit is to determine how they can support teachers and deans with the implementation of our curricular tools. We have notified those teachers who will be observed, however, if you see them around our school, please give them a warm Keystone welcome.

School Goal-Attrition


One of our school goals is to “decrease attrition rates from 17.1% (2020-21 SY) to 16.1% by the end of this school year through yearlong family engagement events.” As we discussed during August PD, we need your help! One of the action steps is for teachers to capture a creative lesson or activity from their classrooms with 2-3 pictures that will be posted and shared with families on our Facebook page.


Please make sure that you email me the pictures and a small blurb (2-3 sentences) of the activity by the deadline below. I will get them on our Facebook page. Thank you for your contribution to enrollment and our school goal. We couldn’t accomplish this without you!


Grade Level



September 30


October 31


November 30


December 31


January 31


February 28


March 31


April 30


May 31

Staff Meeting


September 14 Staff Meeting Agenda 

.        1. Good News

2. Icebreaker

3. Social Contract

4. Best Practice Share Out

5. NWEA Testing  

6. Moral Focus Grades

7. Substitute Binder  

8. Quarantine Students   

9. Q & A

10. Launch


We will be meeting by wings to ensure proper social distancing.  See the table below for your location.

Grade Level


Y5s - 2nd

Hutcherson’s Room

3rd - 5th

Ancrile’s Room

Middle School & Specials

Borowiak’s Room

Interventions, EL, & SpEd



Starting at 3:45, please go to the staff lounge to sign in, gather the documents that we will be discussing, and grab some snacks. We also ask that you bring your laptop to the meeting so Sarah D can register it in our system.

*Meeting begins promptly at 4:00