Parent-Teacher Conferences Expectations


One of our Core Values is “Make our schools the best choice for parents and students.” Thank you for doing this EVERYDAY, especially as we prepare for P-T conferences. Please click here for our expectations pertaining to discussing students’ academic performance, attendance, retention, and scheduling.

As a reminder, all salary staff are expected to stay until 8:00 pm on Monday. On Tuesday, staff may do their virtual conferences from home, so you may leave the building whenever your schedule allows after 11:45. The PTO will be providing a meal on both days.


During conferences, teachers must review our Parent-School Compact (Commitment to Excellence) with each family as a requirement of our grants compliance.  Use the sign-in sheet to track each family you review the contract with. Stacey Reed sent a copy of the contract and the sign-in sheet that should be used.  Please put your name on the sheet and submit completed sheets to Stacey Reed after your last conference is held.

Full Lesson Observations

Full Lesson Observations (FLO) begin November 6. These observations are announced (scheduled) and are 30-45 minutes. Ratings for all four competencies (Classroom Culture, Planning, Teaching, and Assessing) will be inputted into the Interactive Framework. Each dean will send out a sign-up on Monday, October 30. Please click here to review our expectations for each indicator and contact us prior to your observation if you have questions. 

ABCDE Goals-Attendanc


Congratulations to Ms. Jordan’s class for spelling the word HERE.



Emma, Jen H, Diane, Andria and Teri for allowing your colleagues to observe you in action. They walked away with so many strategies and best practices that they want to implement within their own classroom.

Jen S, Ja’Rayl, Danielle, John, Mark, and Amanda for your active engagement and participation in 30 Hour PD. I walked away a better leader because of your insight.

Stephanie for getting 100% of the Education Benefit forms collected.

Sandy for protecting and setting up our students for success. I appreciate you going outside every day this week because you felt it was needed.

Stacey Ramirez for all things shed. Thank you for going above and beyond to make sure that it was clean and structurally sound.

Stacey Ramirez for always being enthusiastic about my crazy ideas. I love how you always want to help me make Keystone a fun place to work.

Thank you to my “someone loves me” person. I am extremely grateful for my Sephora gift card. I hope you reveal yourself to me, so I can thank you in person.

Mandy, Jen S, Jen H, and Dennis for spreading love throughout our school. I love seeing the “someone loves me” hearts around the school.

Steve for everything that you are doing for our 7th grade students. You are extending yourself to ensure they succeed. I am extremely grateful for you.  

This Week


Monday, October 30:

    ·      Science Interim 1 (Grades 3-4, 6-8)

    ·      ELA & Math Interim 1

    ·      Be a Hero Against Bullying-wear superhero costume no masks nor accessories such as shields, swords, etc.)-FREE

Tuesday, October 31:

    ·      Parent-Student Compact Due

    ·      1st Grade Social Media Post Due

    ·      MOYA shirts with jeans-MS Students Only

Thursday, November 2:

    ·      Purple Club

Friday, November 3:

    ·      Payday Breakfast-4th Grade

November Birthdays

 There is a special gift in the mailboxes of all the people who celebrate their birthdays in 

Important Dates


November 6-10: Schoolwide Fun-Monopoly

November 6: Dress Down Day-FREE (Fall Fundraiser Reward)

November 6-10: 5 Science Interim 1

November 7: SLT Meeting

November 8: Perfect Attendance Reward

November 8: Crystal’s Birthday

November 10: Veteran’s Day Assembly 8:30AM

November 10: Veteran’s Day Spirit Day $1.00

November 10: Change Bulletin Board

November 10: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (American Indian Heritage Month)-Higgins

November 14: Staff Meeting

November 14: Staff Meeting Snacks-5th Grade

November 15: Pajama Day-FREE (Fall Fundraiser Reward)

November15: All Grades Entered

November 17: Payday Breakfast-Kinder Paras & Office

November 17: End of Trimester 1

November 17: Trimester 1 School Store

November 17: Report Cards Sent Home

November 17: Dress Down $1.00

November 17: IAT Meetings (Grades 3-8)

November 17: November 10: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Thanksgiving)-Joye

November 20: P/T Conferences 4-8PM

November 20: School Store Rewards

November 21: ½ Day of School

November 21: P/T Conferences 12-4 PM

November 21: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (American Indian Heritage Month)-Cryder

November 22-24: No School-Thanksgiving Break

November 23: Steve’s Birthday

November 27: Glen’s Birthday

November 28: PLC Meetings

November 30: 2nd Grade Social Media Post Due to Jorvonna


*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!

Thursday's Assembly

To celebrate our fundraiser success, our PTO is providing our students with a basketball assembly featuring Jim Jones on Thursday. You can check out his website here.

The assembly is approximately 45 minutes long. See the different assembly times below:

    ·      Y5s-2nd Grade 9:00

    ·      3rd-5th Grade 10:00

    ·      Middle School 1:30

Teachers are responsible for being with their students the entire time, unless you have specials during the assembly. If it’s your specials time, they will cover classes so you can have your prep. 

ABCDE Goals-Behavior


Do you remember Ricardo from August PD? If so, you remembered that we discussed if you had a student who struggled academically, you would use academic data to determine the specific standards and skills needed for intervention. The same is true for a student who is struggling behaviorally. Don’t forget to use the behavioral data from MyNHA’s People Management (see image below) and analyze the behavior data using this Behavior Motivation document for your most difficult student(s). 

It’s important to remember that if what you are doing isn’t working, then please try something different, so you don’t go crazy. That something different should be an ABCD analysis! 

Board Gift


Every year, our board gives us a gift for the holidays, and they love suggestions from the staff. As a reminder, this gift has to come out of their marketing budget, so it has to contain either our school’s name or logo on it. Keep in mind that they purchase gifts for 65 people, so be mindful of the cost. Please complete this survey by Friday, October 27 if you have any ideas for this year’s holiday gift.

Level 5 Behaviors


Jen Horner will be assisting the leadership team with Level 5 Behaviors for the remainder of Alex’s maternity leave. She will be conducting investigations, issuing consequences, and contacting parents. With the leadership team taking on additional grade levels this support from Jen is greatly appreciated



Kaylee, Gary, Stefanie, Jen H, Stacey Ramirez, Stephanie, Stacey Reed, Tameka, and Robyn for my beautiful flowers, gift card, and chips for Boss’s Day. You make being the “boss” so easy because I can always count on you. I couldn’t do this job without each of you.

Jen H for supporting the leadership team with behaviors beyond what is required in your role. Your care for others (staff and students) is something I greatly admire.   

Ashley for greeting at our staff meeting.   

Tameka for sharing your expertise with others. Your leadership abilities will positively impact students beyond Keystone Academy.

Tameka, Teri, Kathleen, and Falak for allowing 13 people to observe your grade level meeting. Your collaboration and conversations around high quality instruction was phenomenal. Those visitors walked away in awe of your team.

Jessica G and John for the sacrifice of your personal time to provide our students an opportunity to explore content beyond the school day.   

Jeanne for covering my lunch duty for 3 days while I had PD. You didn’t even hesitate. Thank you.

Kim B, Diane, and Nikki for my warm welcome when I returned. You have no idea how you made me feel knowing that I was missed.

Tameka and Robyn for being the acting principals in my absence. I know how much you dread love that role. :)

Stacey Reed for having a wonderful surprise on my desk on Wednesday. You are probably one of the most thoughtful people I know.

Stacey Ramirez and Stephanie for always taking care of my babies when I can’t.

Stephanie for everything that you did to make sure the Principal PD went smoothly.  

Emily for providing me with an additional social media post regarding your science club.

Cindy, Andria, Ellen, Monique, Christina, Jen S, and Stacey Reed for organizing our Family Science Night. Thank you for bringing 180 people together in a fun way. I loved seeing the smiles on our students' faces. 

This Week


Tuesday, October 24:

    ·      Flu Shots 9-11AM

    ·      PLC (Wing) Meetings

Wednesday, October 25:

    ·      Kim J’s Birthday

Thursday, October 26:

    ·      Fall Fundraiser Assembly

    ·      Morning Assembly Presentation Due (American Indian Heritage Month)-Patton

Friday, October 27:

    ·      No School-Regional PD

Happy Birthday


Kim J: October 25

Important Dates


October 30-November 3: Science Interim 1 (Grades 3-4, 6-8)

October 30-November 3: ELA & Math Interim 1

October 30: Be a Hero Against Bullying-wear superhero costume no masks nor accessories such as shields, swords, etc.)-FREE

October 31: Parent-Student Compact Due

October 31: 1st Grade Social Media Post Due

October 31: MOYA Shirts

November 2: Purple Club

November 3: Payday Breakfast-4th Grade

November 6: Dress Down Day-FREE (Fall Fundraiser Reward)

November 6-10: 5 Science Interim 1

November 7: SLT Meeting

November 8: Perfect Attendance Reward

November 8: Crystal’s Birthday

November 10: Veteran’s Day Assembly 8:30AM

November 10: Veteran’s Day Spirit Day $1.00

November 10: Change Bulletin Board

November 10: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (American Indian Heritage Month)-Higgins

November 14: Staff Meeting

November 14: Staff Meeting Snacks-5th Grade

November 15: Pajama Day-FREE (Fall Fundraiser Reward)

November15: All Grades Entered

November 17: Payday Breakfast-Kinder Paras & Office

November 17: End of Trimester 1

November 17: Trimester 1 School Store

November 17: Report Cards Sent Home

November 17: Dress Down $1.00

November 17: IAT Meetings (Grades 3-8)

November 17: November 10: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Thanksgiving)-Joye

November 20: P/T Conferences 4-8PM

November 20: School Store Rewards

November 21: ½ Day of School

November 21: P/T Conferences 12-4 PM

November 21: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (American Indian Heritage Month)-Cryder

November 22-24: No School-Thanksgiving Break

November 23: Steve’s Birthday

November 27: Glen’s Birthday

November 28: PLC Meetings

November 30: 2nd Grade Social Media Post Due to Jorvonna


*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!  

Growth Tracking Sheet


During the September staff meeting, I informed you that staff will be responsible for tracking growth, since MyNHA only tracks proficiency. With that information, you surprised me and still voted for growth to be our focus this year. 

To track growth, you will need to download your Class Grid as an Excel document and fill in the colors and percentages for each student that corresponds to their individual scores. Directions for filling in the color and percentages can be found here. You can also see this example for our expectation for a completed growth tracking sheet.

Your growth tracking sheet should be filled out after every assessment and brought to your O3. It will assist you in answering the reflection questions. If you need support with this task, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the leadership team.

ABCDE Goals-Attendance

We continue to work hard to improve our chronic absenteeism rate. I am proud to say that we have 30 less absences in comparison to last year (YTD). Please continue to motivate our students through our schoolwide proactive strategies!   


Parent-Teacher Conferences


As we start to prepare for Parent-Teacher Conferences, please click here for instructions on how to create the sign-up communication in School Connect.

As a reminder, this communication needs to be sent out on November 1 at 8 AM. You will need to schedule this post to ensure everyone’s goes out at the same time (see slide #8 of PowerPoint). This will assist our families with multiple children.

ABCDE Goals-Attendance


Congratulations to Falak’s class for being the first to spell the word PRESENT.



Jen H for supporting a colleague and our students. You make a huge difference in the lives of our students.

Sam and Monique for sharing a best practice at the staff meeting. Thank you for supporting a collaborative culture.  

Robyn for my beautiful décor piece. It goes extremely well in my office.  

Danielle for correcting my error and making sure that everyone was included.

Nikki for making sure I had a little extra snack. I love how much you try to take care of me.  

Stacey Ramirez for helping me clean out and organize the shed. You make things better.   

Monique for knowing me so well and introducing me to something new. Thank you for supporting my food addiction.

Steve, Tracy, Sam, and Emily for wanting what’s best for our students even at the sacrifice of your time.

Mandy and Flo for implementing a best practice immediately. I loved seeing your students reflect on the social contract.

Stacey Reed for all the “behind the scenes” work you do to ensure that we are compliant, and students are receiving the services that they deserve.

Tameka and Robyn for working late to create a schedule.

Stacey Reed for going above and beyond to support our families in need.

Ellen, Andria, and Cindy for all the things that you do to make sure all stakeholders are informed regarding our students.