March 8 PD

We want to solicit your feedback regarding our March 8 PD. As we begin to plan future PDs, we want to use your feedback to design professional development that meets your needs as educators and supports our school goals. Please answer the three questions below. Thank you for your time. 

Core Value

One of our Core Values is Take ownership for the success of our students.” With PSAT and M-STEP beginning the Tuesday we return for break, please communicate to parents your specific testing dates and strongly encourage them to bring their children to school on time.

It is imperative that we model a positive attitude about testing. Parents and students look to us as educational role models and reflect our attitude regarding academic assessments.

In addition, please be flexible during testing with changes in the master schedule and last-minute decisions that may impact your classroom.

Lastly, these assessments are a reflection on our entire school. So, even if you are a teacher whose students do not take the test, how can you show support and encourage those who do?  

Thank you for being a team that does whatever it takes to improve our school.

Moral Focus

Compassion is our Moral Focus virtue this month. Teachers are known for being amongst the most compassionate of professional workers. Being compassionate brings many benefits not only to those on the receiving end of the compassion, but also to the person who is compassionate. However, teachers are prone to compassion fatigue, a condition that affects up to 40% of teachers.

Teachers start to feel resentful rather than resourceful, detached rather than delighted, and exhausted rather than excited. If you have reached this point, you may need to actively work to redevelop COMPASSION in your life. Here are a couple of strategies to try:

Intentional Compassion
– First, direct compassion to someone you like. ‘Practice’ using compassion first toward someone you have good feelings
  toward: a good friend, helpful coworker, or co-operative student.
– Next, be compassionate with someone a bit more neutral: the cashier at the grocery store, a neighbor you don’t know
  well, or a coworker you don’t see often.
– Then, take it up a notch by directing compassion toward someone you have trouble with: a student that has behavioral challenges
  challenges, a parent that is difficult, or a coworker that you usually avoid.
– Finally, turn your compassion to all those in your life

Acts of Kindness: 
Another way to develop compassion is to do five different random acts of kindness all in one day. The effort and impact of doing these all in one day can be life-changing. A few suggestions for acts of kindness include:
– Write a note or card
– Bake cookies for someone
– Give a compliment
– Take a meal to someone in need
– Donate food or money to a local homeless shelter.
– Pay for the order of the person behind you in the drive-thru or checkout line.
– Do a chore that is usually your spouse or child’s responsibility
(Amy Curletto, Stanfield District)

As with anything we want to teach our students, we must model what we want them to develop. Take some time this month to model and talk about COMPASSION with your colleagues and students.

Shout Out

All Keystone staff for your positivity during our Driveline staff meeting. I love being a part of a team that continues to make selfless decisions for the good of our school.

Andrew for a successful Wellness Day!

Tabitha and Robyn for assisting Stephanie in the office during Diann’s absence.

Deb for passing her food inspection. Her feedback from the auditor was “I wish everyone of these was this easy.”

Jamie, Andrea, and Robyn for the countless hours you spent during, before, and AFTER school inputting data into our Driveline system!

This Week

Monday, April 1-Friday, April 5
   ·    No school-Spring Break

Monday, April 8:
   ·    Perfect Attendance Assembly

Tuesday, April 9:
   ·    Staff Meeting
   ·    Staff Meeting Snacks-5th grade
   ·    8th Grade taking PSAT

Wednesday, April 10:
   ·    PTO Meeting 4:00 in the Parent Room

Thursday, April 11:
   ·    Purple Club
   ·    Board Meeting 6:00 PM

Friday, April 12:
   ·    Ellen Poole’s Birthday
   ·    SOM Assembly Y5s-2 AND 3-5
   ·    3 & 4 Grade Spelling Bee 1:00 PM in Gym
   · Reading Month Casual Day (students who met their reading requirements) 

Happy Birthday

Ellen: April 12

Classroom Framework-Planning

As we continue our discussion around planning, please utilize NHA’s resources on the Curriculum app. These resources will save you lots of time in the planning process. NHA has Playbooks for ELA instruction for all grades.

In addition, they have Playbooks for middle school math, called “Week at a Glance.”

The Playbooks are completed lesson plans that are scripted out and they include writing prompts. I would encourage you to see if you could include some, if not all the components in your lesson plans. This could save you A LOT of time and give you new instruction ideas!

Shout Out

Jamie, Cari, and Robyn for all the additional things that you had to do while I was away.
Jamie and Robyn for the extra work that you are doing preparing for our implementation of Driveline.
Andrew for organizing and communicating to parents about our Wellness Day
Diann for going above and beyond to ensure we reach our enrollment goal for next school year.

This Week

Monday, March 25:
   ·    Wellness Day-students and staff can dress in athletic gear (no tank tops, cutoffs, or leggings)

Tuesday, March 26:
   ·    Jennifer G.’s Birthday
   ·    Spring Book Fair Begins

Wednesday, March 27:
   ·    Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character Day

Friday, March 29:
   ·    Student of the Month Assembly (specials)
   ·    Spirit Day-$1.00, 50 cent popcorn

Happy Birthday

Jennifer G: March 26

Important Dates

Please view the right side of the blog for important dates in 

*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!  


Congratulations to Sheila Montri for winning NHA’s Excellence in Teaching! You are so deserving of this recognition! 


School Goals

Thank you for your focus during our formative assessment PD on Friday. Janelle, our presenter, stated to me several times how much she enjoyed the Keystone staff. This PD was a foundation for one of our school goals next school year, but you can start now! I would strongly recommend picking one formative assessment strategy OR one assessment report to use from now until the end of the school year. I’ve included the Common Assessment Report that Janelle mentioned below as a reference. 

Be prepared to share your instructional choice with your dean at your next O3. We would love to compile a list of successful implementations of formative assessments and data driven instruction to “share out” at upcoming staff meetings.

Thank you for willingness to embrace new ideas to support student success. 

Asst Reports Overview by on Scribd

School Store Suggestions

Thank you for sharing your suggestions for improving the school store at our staff meeting.

Please continue to email suggestions to me.  

Shout Outs

All Keystone staff for your focus and growth-mindset during last Friday’s PD.
Jamie, Cari, Robyn, Jen H. for all your hard work with helping me to meet tight deadlines. You have no idea how much I appreciate all of you.
Sarah D. for designing our middle school flyer and making M-STEP review interactive! Your design is amazing!
Sarah D. and Cari for organizing and communicating M-STEP information and expectations to our staff.
Diann for running our school’s lottery so smoothly.

Happy Birthday

Sarah D: March 21

This Week

Monday, March 18:
   ·      Jorvonna out of the building-personal

Tuesday, March 19:
   ·      Jorvonna out of the building-Principal’s Meeting

Wednesday, March 20:
   ·      Jorvonna out of the building-Principal’s Meeting
   ·      College Sports Team Day

Thursday, March 21:
   ·      Sarah D’s Birthday
   ·      Silly Socks for Down Syndrome (free)

Friday, March 22:
   ·      Student of the Month Assembly (6-8)
   ·      Pay Day Friday Breakfast-Admin
   · Sports Award Ceremony 8 AM 

School Goal Progress

It’s time for our monthly progress monitoring of our school goal. I am happy to announce that we are making progress! Currently, our absenteeism rate is 15.9%. Our goal is to decrease our chronic absenteeism rate from 16.2% (17.18 EOY) to 13% (18.19 EOY).

It may seem slight, but on February 4 we had increased to 16.5%. Keep up the good work and please continue to “cc” your deans on your parent communication. The deans and I will be contacting parents at the end of this month and it is extremely helpful when they have already received communication from the teacher.

I know our goal focuses on chronic absences (number of students who have 18 days or more), but we are making progress with our overall attendance. We have 594 fewer absences than we did last year at this exact time! WOW! That is something to celebrate!

Classroom Framework-Planning

As educators, planning is an important component for quality instruction. At Keystone, teachers are required to submit their lesson plans on a weekly basis in

In following along with the expectations identified in the Classroom Framework (Instructional Alignment) and the communication from your deans, please make sure to include the following in your lesson plans for each subject/grade that you teach:
       ·   Common Core Standard
       ·    I Can statement (objective): aligned to the standard
       ·    Materials: including page numbers and worksheet titles
       ·   Activity: detailed description of the activities/lesson including engagement strategies
      ·  Formative assessment (exit ticket): something brief that informs you if students have grasped the objective of the lesson 
    ·  Differentiation: leveled instruction to meet the needs of all students

When designing your lesson plan, keep in mind that anyone should be able to pick them up and teach your lesson with minimal guidance. If you do them well, there won’t be a need for sub plans. :)

Special Assembly

We will be having an all school assembly on Tuesday, March 12 at 2:00 p.m. Todd McKee, NHA’s CAO, will be leading this special assembly. All staff members should attend.  Please refrain from using your jean passes that day.
In addition, please make sure that all hallways are clear on March 12 for our special assembly. Remove all desks, easels, etc. Even lunch wagons should be placed in classrooms after lunch. Ms. Deb and her crew will be vacuuming around 1:30 to ensure our school looks its best. Thank you!

Board Meeting

We have a Board Meeting on Thursday at 6 PM in the staff lounge. The Board would love for you to come out. They stated they have funding available for teachers. Let me know if you are planning on attending prior to the meeting and I will include you in the dinner order.

Extra Staff Meeting

We have an EXTRA staff meeting on March 26. All staff members please plan to attend.

Shout Out

Stephanie for making sure that we have lunch for PD.  

Andrew for your communication to teachers and parents about our first annual Wellness Day!

Tully for the wonderful job you and your students did with the Wax Museum. 

Robyn for all the behind the scenes work and collaboration with the PTO. 

Jen Horner organizing and running Perfect Attendance assembly and snack shop. You are amazing!  

Kelly, Lindsay, and Christina for getting all the school store items.

Kelly and Sarah D for organizing all the school store items.

Kelly, Christina, Eric, Andrew, and Sarah D. for running the school store. Thank you for spending the day rewarding students for positive behaviors.

Cari for ensuring that the admin team shows gratitude!

Teri, Monique, and Anne for supporting our school goal. I love that you set a goal for next month to help improve attendance!

This Week

Tuesday, March 12:
   ·      All school assembly at 2:00 p.m.
   ·      Staff meeting in Francine’s room
   ·      Staff meeting snacks-1st & 2nd grade

Wednesday, March 13:
   ·      Lottery in gym at 1:00 p.m.
   ·      Read Your Wear-wear a shirt with words

Thursday, March 14:
   ·      Board meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Friday, March 15:
   ·      Student of the Month Assembly (3-5)
   ·      Middle School Dance 4-6 PM

March 8 PD

Our PD on March 8 will go from 12:00-3:30. We will be providing lunch from 11:30-12:00 in the staff room and starting promptly at noon with our assessment presentation in the gym. All staff members, including paraprofessionals need to attend. I look forward to learning and growing with you.   

Core Values-BWC

Behave With Care is one of our Core Values. As we continue to monitor student discipline, there will be times when you will have to investigate a behavior incident to determine the validity and level of severity (level 2 or 5). To ensure we are providing due process to all students and handling these situations with care, please use the document below for best practices. Don’t hesitate to contact your dean if you need support.

Moral Focus

Our moral focus virtue for March is encouragement. It’s also Women’s History month. How can you connect both? It’s important to expose your students to women who have encouraged positive change in our history. Please read this brief article by Time Magazine for a better understanding and appreciation.

In honor of Women’s History Month, I would like to recognize Rachel Louise Carson, an American marine biologist, author, and conservationist who is credited with advancing the global environmental movement. Carson warned of the perils of pesticide use, sparked a grassroots green movement and encouraged others to join her in the overhauling of our national policy on pesticides. Her work has saved countless lives — furred, feathered, finned, and human.