School Goal Progress

It’s time for our monthly progress monitoring of our school goal. I am happy to announce that we are making progress! Currently, our absenteeism rate is 15.9%. Our goal is to decrease our chronic absenteeism rate from 16.2% (17.18 EOY) to 13% (18.19 EOY).

It may seem slight, but on February 4 we had increased to 16.5%. Keep up the good work and please continue to “cc” your deans on your parent communication. The deans and I will be contacting parents at the end of this month and it is extremely helpful when they have already received communication from the teacher.

I know our goal focuses on chronic absences (number of students who have 18 days or more), but we are making progress with our overall attendance. We have 594 fewer absences than we did last year at this exact time! WOW! That is something to celebrate!

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