Important Dates


October 5: SLT Meeting (Team Leads) 3:50-4:20 PM

October 5: Breast Cancer Spirit Day $1

October 6: Count Day

October 7: Purple Club (MS only)

October 7: Nikki’s Birthday

October 8: Progress Reports Go Home

October 8: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Anti-Bullying Committee

October 10: Monique’s Birthday

October 12: Staff Meeting 4-5 PM

October 12: Staff Meeting Snacks-5th Grade

October 14: Family Learning Night 5:30 PM

October 14: Day of Awesomeness (Fall Fundraiser Event)

October 14: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Anti-Bullying Committee

October 15: No School

October 20: Stomp Out Bullying Spirit Day $1

October 22: IAT Meetings

October 22: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Anti-Bullying Committee

October 25: Kim J’s Birthday

October 26: PLC (Team) Meeting 4-5 PM

October 29: Payday Friday Breakfast-Specials

October 29: Spirit Day $1

October 29: Trunk or Treat 5-8 PM

October 29: Commitment to Excellence Forms Due

October 31: 1st Grade Facebook Post Due


*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!  

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