

Jessica G for your flexibility and understanding. It truly made me feel special when you said, “I know you Jorvonna. No worries.”  

Kathleen, Lynne, Teri, Danielle, Mandy, Megan, Cayla, Tracy, Amanda, Mark, Jessica, Linsey, Diane, Christina, Valyn, Sarah G, Falak, Sydney, Monique, Crystal, Josie, Sarah M, Lori, Amy, and Nikki for welcoming visitors on Day 2 of instruction and showing them the great things about Keystone!

Jen H for resolving a parent concern for me. You didn’t hesitate to call.  

Amanda and Danielle for responding to the boomerang effect.  

Crystal, Stacey Reed, Andria, John, Teri, Monique, and Robyn for spending your evening cleaning and sorting Chromebooks.   

Robyn for creating the NWEA schedule.

Stacey Reed for my morning treat. It always makes my day. Thanks for being a good friend.  

Jen D for my Friday pick-me-up. You are always so thoughtful.

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