Core Values-BWC

The leadership team will continue doing calibrated observations focused on Classroom Culture this week. While observing, we would love to see you implementing affirmations and greeting.

Although, these are not our school goals anymore, you know that affirmations and greetings are still important in building positive relationships. Affirmations support a classroom culture in which each student is a contributing member of the community of learners that care about each other. Teachers should offer both public and private affirmations daily and should provide multiple opportunities for students to affirm each other. Where the purpose of greeting students at the door is to welcome each student individually and to set a positive tone for the beginning of each school day. It also gives you advanced warning if a student is having a bad morning and is in need of extra support.

To establish a culture of affirmations, ask yourself:

     ·      Have I identified appropriate ways and times during the day to affirm students?

     ·      Do I provide intentional opportunities for students to affirm each other?

To establish a culture with greeting, ask yourself:

     ·      Do I greet each student by name and in a positive manner?

     ·      Do I have a structure in my class for greeting visitors?


Please review the “look fors” in this link to provide you with some insight on what we are looking for when we observe you in action.

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