Shout Outs


Stacey Ramirez for setting up the parent room, getting ice, cleaning the office and copier room to ensure our school visit went well.

Deb for always checking to see what more she and her team can do to make our school even better.

Jen H for handling all behaviors on Thursday.

Jessica G for staying late with a student to make sure she went home safely.

Nikki for going above and beyond to support others.

Tracy, Monique, Ashley A, Cindy Conti, Megan, Kristin, Cindy Chuang, Amanda, Mandy, Andria, Alex, Amy, Falak, Sam, Austin, Angel, Teri, Diane, Jen D, Josie, Sky, Ellen, and Nikki for opening your classroom doors to visitors with in the first three weeks of school. Thank you for showcasing Keystone so well.  

Jeannie for putting all the paper away.

Stephanie for getting all the food for Thursday.

Emma for creating the mentor certificates.

Angel for making sure that I was taken care of. Your thoughtfulness meant the world to me.

Mandy for sacrificing some of your lunch time to assist our K-2 students in the lunch line.

Stacey Reed for always covering my lunch duty when I am running late.

Jen H for going above and beyond to make sure that all staff feel welcomed.

Sandy for giving me a treat. Thank you for thinking of me.

Stacey Reed for a successful parent informational meeting.

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