

Stephanie for handling all purchase orders. It has been A LOT and I am so grateful for you making sure that Keystone has everything that they need.

Glen for going above and beyond to ensure our school has working technology.  

Christina for always offering me some of her food.

Teri for helping me keep the anti-bullying dates together.  

Teri for providing me with an additional social media post.  

Andria for making sure our Little Library continues to provide resources to others.

Amy and Josie for working together to care for your teammate and ensuring all classes are equally divided.

Jamie, Robyn, Tameka, and Stacey for leading two back-to-back professional developments for your teams. You are the true MVPs of the leadership team.

Tracy for my lovely treat! Thank you for thinking of me.

Tricia and Jetal for filling in at the last minute.

Monique for covering recess without hesitation.

Mark for making our staff fun dream a reality. You are a very talented carpenter.

Jen H for supporting students AND staff!

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