1/2 Day PD

You Spoke. We Listened.

Per your request, we are using our ½ day PD on Wednesday for backwards design AND additional prep/planning time. You will spend the first hour and a half going through the backwards design process with your team and dean (see schedule here). The second hour and a half you can prep/plan at your discretion. However, all staff must remain in the building until 3:15 PM.  We hope the additional 6 hours of prep that our half days provide reaffirm that “you matter!” As you know, the leadership team loves using your feedback to make our school better!   

While going through the backwards design process, it’s important to make sure that you reflect on the three stages below using your grade level graphic organizer.

Stage 1-Identify the desired results 

What are students expected to know or be able to do on the summative assessments?


-You accomplish this step by previewing the entire assessment (interim, numeracy, etc.) and identifying the standards assessed using your grade level graphic organizer.


Stage 2-Determine acceptable evidence

How are students expected to demonstrate that they met the learning outcome?


-You accomplish this step by looking at the sentence stems, vocabulary words, etc. to determine the level of rigor.


Stage 3-Plan learning experiences and instruction

How will you adjust your instructional delivery in your daily and/or weekly lessons, so students gain the knowledge and develop the skills necessary to meet the learning outcome?


-You accomplish this step by going over your scope and sequence and determining which lesson(s) need to be changed so that the level of rigor is consistent from your daily instruction to the summative assessment. 


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