Admin Observations


The admin team will be finishing Classroom Culture observations this week. All teachers should have culture ratings in his or her framework by October 2. Next, we will be focusing on the Teaching competency. Please review the “look fors” in the document below to provide you with some insight on what we are looking for when we observe you in action. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions regarding the expectations.  

Teaching Look Fors by embryjd on Scribd

Shout Outs

 Ashley H for volunteering for additional responsibilities in the morning to assist our youngest students.

Sloane for making sure a student arrives and leaves school safely.

Andria and Cindy for working together to a create school-wide schedule identifying each grade level.

Megan for spending a lot additional time in the office providing your students and parents with technology support.

Robyn for organizing picture day flawlessly and staying late both nights.

Jamie, Robyn, and Stacey for making sure to provide your direct reports with continuous coaching and support.

Jen D for my wonderful gift. It was exactly what I needed.

Tricia for being thoughtful on so many levels.  

Jamie for ensuring we are in legal compliance with enrollment.

Laquanda for greeting me every morning with a smile.

Michelle and Megan for volunteering wonderful ideas.

Michelle and Nikki for taking on an additional task to support a positive school culture and environment.

Amelia for helping the admin team clean up our 504 documents.

Liz for making personal deliveries to students which ensured that they are step up for success.

Deb and Gary for measuring AGAIN!   

This Week


Monday, September 28:

·    K-2 Fall Numeracy

Wednesday, September 29:

·    Staff meeting 2:30-3:30 PM

Friday, October 2:

·    DUE: Morning Assembly Presentation to Robyn-LEPPEN (Hispanic Latino Heritage)

·    Payday Friday Breakfast-1st Grade

Happy Birthday


Nikki: October 7

Tabitha: October 8

Monique: October 10

Julie: October 14

Mechelle: October 15

Kim J: October 25


There is a special gift in the mailboxes of all the people who celebrate their birthdays in October.

Important Dates

 Please view the right side of the blog for important dates in 

*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!  

School Goal-Keystone Cash

 In a continuous effort to support our school goal, “Establish a Professional Culture of Excellence,” we utilized your feedback to refine our expectations for Keystone cash. It is our expectation that all staff take ownership by following the guidelines below.


  • Elementary(hybrid)-cash
  • Elementary (virtual)-Dojo points
  • Middle School (hybrid and virtual)-electronic banking system (Google Form)



To be consistent with NHA's Schoolwide Positive Behavior System-please do not give Keystone cash for academic reasons (academic success, AR points, right answers, etc.)


Give Keystone cash for ONLY the following reasons:

1.   Behavior and participation: $1 a day (up to $5 per week)

o   Virtual-attended all synchronous sessions and completed all assignments

o   Hybrid-on green for their in-person days and on remote days attended all synchronous sessions and completed all assignments

2.   Moral Focus: going above and beyond in exemplifying virtues (student demonstrating the virtues without being prompted.)


   Teachers only give out increments of $1. You would only use the $ 5 for the grand total at the end of the week.

   Keystone cash is not to be used as a whole class reward. You           should not give your entire class $1 for doing something.                   Keystone cash should only be for individual or small group of           students.

·      Ex. In a small group, a student gets the right answer and another student demonstrate "encouragement" by congratulating them (without being prompted).

·      Ex. Student demonstrates "compassion" by inviting a new student to play with them (without being promoted).

New Google Meet Features

 Check out the document below that outlines some new features available to you in Google Meet.

You are able to:

  • Preventing other participants from joining prior to the host
  • Disabling the ability of participants to share screens
  • Disabling the ability of participants to send chat messages

New Features in Google Meet 9.17.20 by embryjd on Scribd

Spirit Day & Picture Day


Students will not be following our normal dress code next week due to spirit and picture day. Staff may participate in spirit day on Monday and Friday by wearing jeans with a gold, yellow, or Harper Strong top and gym shoes. All money collected from spirit day will go towards American Cancer Society to recognize September as Childhood Cancer Awareness month.  I encourage you to contribute by giving at least a $1. You can donate more by clicking on the link: Keystone Academy Page

On Tuesday and Thursday, we are asking staff to wear your normal professional attire for picture day.



There will be no afterschool PLC (team) meeting on Tuesday. It has been rescheduled to Wednesday from 10:30-11:30. To provide work-life balance, we have cancelled our DDI meeting for this month.

Core Values-BWC


One of our Core Values is to “behave with care.” We want to encourage our staff to use our High Five system. To create a school culture built on respect and positivity, any staff member that sends 5 High Fives each month will receive a jeans pass. Please make sure to notify your dean to receive your jeans pass.   

Shout Outs


Tracy, Laquanda, and Jena for getting 100% FRL forms turned in.

Tracy and Sarah D for presenting at our Digital Platform Learning Night.  

Megan, Sarah M, Julie, Christina, Monique, Mechelle, Julianne, Kari, Jena, Steve, Tracy, Tully, Sarah D, Stacey, Stefanie, Sarah Z, Jen D, and Robyn for spending an evening with our families when it wasn’t a required event. Your commitment to our families amazes me.

Ashely H for meeting a tight timeline.

Stephanie for ordering three meals this week. Thank you for taking care of everything.

Deb, Gary, and Tabitha thank you for getting all the chairs and tables out of the garage for me. I love how you are always willing to go above and beyond to help me.  

Amelia for jumping in and taking on McKinney-Vento.  

Megan and Sarah for inviting me into your virtual classroom this week. I loved seeing your students’ families.

Michelle for demonstrating care and urgency pertaining to a student’s home situation.

Sarah D for all things NWEA. You have been a lifeline for our entire staff these past two weeks. The admin team has been so grateful for your unwavering support.

Robyn for organizing picture day.

Jamie for making a lot of parent phone calls to help your teachers with attendance issues.

Tully and Tracy for providing attendance clarification to your families and responding to a million questions with a positive attitude.

Jen D for taking care of me during lunch. You made my day!   

Stacey for being well prepared to provide the K-2 wing with digital platform support.

Nikki and Diane for giving a parent the empathy that she needed.

Julie for always being willing to help a colleague.

Jamie providing update safety communication to the staff.

Tabitha for continuously meeting with your student synchronously to provide support on his remote days.  

This Week


Monday, September 21:

·    Spirit Day-yellow, gold, or Harper Strong shirt with jeans for $1

Tuesday, September 22:

·    Picture Day

Wednesday, September 23:

·    PLC (team) Meeting 10:30-11:30

Thursday, September 24:

·    Picture Day

·    Nancy, DSQ, Visit 8:00-10:30

Friday, September 25:

·    Spirit Day-yellow, gold, or Harper Strong shirt with jeans for $1

·    Sub Binder Due

·    DUE: Morning Assembly Presentation to Robyn-CHENG (Hispanic Latino Heritage)

Classroom Libraries


According to the CDC, “Children’s books, like other paper-based materials such as mail or envelopes, are not considered a high risk for transmission and do not need additional cleaning or disinfection procedures.” We will leave it up to teacher’s discretion if you want to make your classroom libraries available to students. In addition, you can utilize the library and our bookroom (located in the 3-5 wing) for additional book selections for your students. Click on the CDC Website  for more information.

Morning Assembly


Assembly this school year will be on Mondays and Thursdays. Robyn will be prerecording all assemblies and sending classroom teachers. We ask that all teachers show assembly during their morning meetings on Mondays and Thursdays. On Mondays, we will focus on social/emotional and cultural awareness by assigning each teacher a specific week and culture. The students in that classroom will create a short 5-minute presentation. On Thursdays, we recognize Students of the Month (SOM). SOM is given to students who exemplify our monthly Moral Focus virtue. Don’t forget that each teacher will recognize one student per month. Every Thursday at morning assembly, we recognize students in the following grades:

·     Week 1: Y5s-2nd Grade

·     Week 2: 3rd-5th Grade

·     Week 3: 6th-8th Grade

·     Week 4: Specials

There will be months when we will need to alter the schedule above.

Attendance Communication


As discussed in our staff meeting, we will continue to support students who are not attending in-person and/or virtual sessions through parent communication.

Parent Communication

·      Reach out to families with students who have 2 & 4 absences and “cc” your dean and Jen H. on the communication.

·      I am providing you with wording that you can use in your email communication to parents on the U-drive àAttendance folder à Teacher Email to Parents. Please feel free to “tweak” the email templates to add your personal touch or if you have a unique situation.

Core Values

One of our Core Values is to “act with discipline to sustain our academic success and financial viability.” So, please make sure to pick up all the copies that you are making. There has been a lot of unclaimed papers in the copier room.

In addition, please only print color documents to the color printer. I’m seeing a lot of black and white documents coming from that printer. The ink for the color printer is more expensive than the other copiers.

Shout Outs


Tricia for the thoughtful gift. It was a nice surprise!    

Ashley H for organizing a binder to help with a student’s medical needs.

Steve and Christina for allowing me to join one of your virtual sessions. It was great to see the great things that you are doing and to interact with our virtual students.

Stacey for being thoughtful and brightening my morning.

Jamie for ensuring that all staff have leadership opportunities this school year.

Robyn for trying new things with morning assembly that provides opportunities for our students to participate.

Amelia and Morgan for embracing your new roles. You have both started a new position at a new school and taken on “compliance” with a smile.

Robyn, Jamie, and Stacey for leading successful wing meetings to support our teachers with lesson preparation.

Sarah D for providing training to our virtual teachers regarding NWEA.  

Jen D for spreading positivity to our staff! Thanks for making positivity a priority.  

Monique and Kari for sharing best practices with your colleagues during our staff meeting.

This Week


Thursday, September 17:

·    Social Contract Posted

Friday, September 18:

·    Payday Friday Breakfast-2nd Grade

Welcome to the Team


We would like to welcome Angela Edwards as our new EL teacher.  We look forward to her first day on October 16. We are excited that all our teaching positions are filled.

We are still in need of a part-time lunch/recess aide who can work Thursdays and Fridays from 10:00-1:00. If you know someone who would be interested, please have them apply online at

Family Connections


To maintain our strong partnerships with our families, don’t forget to make your Family Connections by this Friday, September 11. You should be reaching out via phone and/or a Google Meet (no emails).


With parents not being allowed in the building this school year, we still want to provide our families opportunities to connect with you.

Wednesday's Agenda


Please see the schedule below for Wednesday’s agenda. In addition to the items below, there are some Grade Level Intervention PLCs scheduled. During the GL Intervention PLCs, you will be discussing benchmarking data and intervention grouping. 

8:00-8:30          Whole Class Synchronous Lessons 

10:30-11:30      Wing Meetings: Topic 2

3:15-4:15          Staff Meeting


September 9 Staff Meeting Agenda

1.    Icebreaker

2. Good News

4. Best Practice Share Out

5. Retention Process

6. “At Risk” Social Work Referral Process  

7. Due Dates

8. Q & A

9. Launch

*You will be attending the meeting from your classroom using the Google Meet link in the calendar invite. Starting at 2:45, please go to the staff lounge to sign in, gather the documents that we will be discussing, and grab some snacks.

*Meeting begins promptly at 3:15

Staff Dress Code


As a friendly reminder, gym shoes are not approved shoes for staff, except on Wednesdays. We understand that some staff members have medical conditions that require them to wear gym shoes. Please make sure that you provide me with an updated note from your physician.

Also, when wearing sandals, please remember that they should either have a heel or strap on the back to avoid them from being flipflops. Sleeveless shirts and/or dresses are acceptable, but majority of your shoulders and back must be covered, no thin straps. Thank you for maintaining professionalism.

Admin Observations


Starting next week, the admin team will be doing collaborative observations; all of us observing teachers together. The purpose of the observations is to provide consistency with our expectations and further our development as leaders.

Please know that we will try to notify you in advance if the entire admin team is coming into your classroom, but it may not always be possible.

For the next two weeks, we will be observing the Classroom Culture competency from the Framework. See below for the expectations for each indicator. Do not hesitate to reach out to the deans or me if you have any questions about the expectations.

Classroom Culture by embryjd on Scribd