Shout Outs

 Ashley H for volunteering for additional responsibilities in the morning to assist our youngest students.

Sloane for making sure a student arrives and leaves school safely.

Andria and Cindy for working together to a create school-wide schedule identifying each grade level.

Megan for spending a lot additional time in the office providing your students and parents with technology support.

Robyn for organizing picture day flawlessly and staying late both nights.

Jamie, Robyn, and Stacey for making sure to provide your direct reports with continuous coaching and support.

Jen D for my wonderful gift. It was exactly what I needed.

Tricia for being thoughtful on so many levels.  

Jamie for ensuring we are in legal compliance with enrollment.

Laquanda for greeting me every morning with a smile.

Michelle and Megan for volunteering wonderful ideas.

Michelle and Nikki for taking on an additional task to support a positive school culture and environment.

Amelia for helping the admin team clean up our 504 documents.

Liz for making personal deliveries to students which ensured that they are step up for success.

Deb and Gary for measuring AGAIN!   

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