Shout Outs


Tricia for the thoughtful gift. It was a nice surprise!    

Ashley H for organizing a binder to help with a student’s medical needs.

Steve and Christina for allowing me to join one of your virtual sessions. It was great to see the great things that you are doing and to interact with our virtual students.

Stacey for being thoughtful and brightening my morning.

Jamie for ensuring that all staff have leadership opportunities this school year.

Robyn for trying new things with morning assembly that provides opportunities for our students to participate.

Amelia and Morgan for embracing your new roles. You have both started a new position at a new school and taken on “compliance” with a smile.

Robyn, Jamie, and Stacey for leading successful wing meetings to support our teachers with lesson preparation.

Sarah D for providing training to our virtual teachers regarding NWEA.  

Jen D for spreading positivity to our staff! Thanks for making positivity a priority.  

Monique and Kari for sharing best practices with your colleagues during our staff meeting.

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