Morning Assembly


Assembly this school year will be on Mondays and Thursdays. Robyn will be prerecording all assemblies and sending classroom teachers. We ask that all teachers show assembly during their morning meetings on Mondays and Thursdays. On Mondays, we will focus on social/emotional and cultural awareness by assigning each teacher a specific week and culture. The students in that classroom will create a short 5-minute presentation. On Thursdays, we recognize Students of the Month (SOM). SOM is given to students who exemplify our monthly Moral Focus virtue. Don’t forget that each teacher will recognize one student per month. Every Thursday at morning assembly, we recognize students in the following grades:

·     Week 1: Y5s-2nd Grade

·     Week 2: 3rd-5th Grade

·     Week 3: 6th-8th Grade

·     Week 4: Specials

There will be months when we will need to alter the schedule above.

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