Student Behavior Resources

As a continuous effort, to support you with level 2 behaviors, we want to give you another resource to use. Do you struggle trying to find an appropriate consequence for students? Well, NHA provides a Positive Behavior Replacement Plan. 

This is 30 mini-course packets designed as a resource for teachers to use as a consequence. The packets are intended to help students understand the consequences of their challenging behaviors; why they are not acceptable; and what they can do to change. You can access the packets by going to MyNHA and clicking on “Behavior Site” app.

You can also use these packets for your entire class. For instance, you could use Cooperation W1, as a guide for speaking to your class if you know there will be a substitute the following week.

Please see the chart below for a list of packet topics per wing. 

Wing 1

(Grades K-2)

Wing 2

(Grades 3-5)

Wing 3

(Grades 6-8)

Wasting Time
Out of Seat
Not Prepared
Inappropriate Talking
Throwing Things
Name Calling
Talking Back
Disturbing Class
Bothering Others
Staying in Seat
Inappropriate Talking
Profanity and Obscenity
Disrespectful Behavior
Classroom Disturbance
Unprepared for Class
Late to Class
Skipping Detention
Skipping Class

Lastly, there is a teacher’s guide for follow up. Please see me, Jen H. or any of the deans if you need assistance utilizing the resources.  

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