This Week

Monday, January 21:
   ·      No School-MLK
Tuesday, January 22:
   ·      Nancy Kouba, DSQ, will be here from 12:00-3:00. We may be doing admin observations during this time.
Wednesday, January 23:
   ·      6-8 teachers submit certificates to Jorvonna. Please check Media Release Information list prior to submitting the certificates.
   ·      Kinder Information Night 5:30-6:30
Friday, January 25:
   ·      Sloane Leppen’s B-day
   ·      Student of the Month Assembly (Grades 6-8)
   ·      Spirit Day-$1 Jean & 50 cents Popcorn
Saturday, January 26:
   ·      Staff Holiday Party at Fowling Warehouse 6-9:30 PM

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