School Goal

Our school goal (100 Day Sprint) for the remainder of the school year focuses on increasing student attendance. I have communicated to parents in my Monday Night Phone Call about our new proactive approach to recognize students with perfect monthly attendance. Please read the blurb below, if you haven’t had an opportunity to listen to last month’s phone call. 

“The staff and I would like to start acknowledging our students who have perfect attendance each month. Monthly perfect attendance means no absences, no tardies, or early dismissals for the entire month. These students will be recognized at Open Ceremony the first Monday of every month and receive a reward (extra recess, treat, jeans day, etc.). The reward will change monthly.  We understand that our scholars get sick and situations occur, that's why each new month brings a new chance.”

In addition to perfect monthly attendance, we will be discussing other attendance initiatives during our staff meeting on Tuesday to help positively motivate daily, on time attendance.

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