Please stop by my office to pick up your 22-23 salary
EOY Deadlines
a continuous effort to provide you with adequate time to meet the EOY
deadlines, we have canceled O3s for
the last two weeks of school.
Raffle Basket
As you know, we love to raffle off items during August PD. Well, to make sure the raffle is of value, we are seeking your feedback on the types of items you would like win. Please take this 2-question survey to share your suggestions.
P.S. The items should range from $5-10. And we will be getting
gift cards, so you don’t have to suggest those. 😊
June 7 Staff Meeting
Our staff meeting will be at Twisted Rooster on Tuesday, June 7 at 4 PM.
We look forward to wrapping up the school year in a fun way. We will go over
our agenda items, then the admin team will be purchasing appetizers and pop for
everyone. All salaried employees are required to attend, and we strongly encourage
our hourly staff to come out too!
EOY Technology
Please make sure to do the following regarding
EOY technology.
need to be shut off before you leave Friday and the remote needs to be put in
your center desk drawer. Please remove the ScreenBeam from your projector
and store it with your remote. Once your ScreenBeam is removed, close up
your projector with the plastic piece that was removed to install the
your Elmo and all Elmo cords in one of your classroom cabinets.
all your Google Classrooms before you leave on Friday, June 10.
Shout Outs
Eric for an AMAZING band performance.
Tracy for allowing me to have her pizza.
Stephanie for getting communication out to families
regarding our dress down day with a tight turnaround.
Stacey Reed and Jen H for providing me with a wonderful
beverage on two separate days.
Kari, Cindy Conti, and Cindy Chuang for all your work with March
of Dimes. I love that we are supporting a worthy cause.
Jeanne for jumping in and offering assistance with an important
Jena and Tracy for providing two Facebook post. I
appreciate your efforts to help our enrollment.
Jamie, Jessica G, Cindy Chuang, Diane, and Kari for
attending the band concert in support of our students.
Andria for testing an incoming student to ensure the correct grade
level placement.
Stacey Reed for providing me with suggestions and ideas that
made my regional PD presentation better.
Steve for being an amazing photographer.
Stacey Ramirez for creating an approved movie tracking sheet
which will save me a lot of time.
Tameka and Stacey Reed for working hard to make the best
decision for our students and assessments.
Tameka for the countless hours you spent working with NHA and the
MDE to make sure that Keystone was in compliance.
Stacey Reed for spending all your free time to help me with a
budget. I am BEYOND grateful for you!
Jamie for getting all the electives secure for next school year.
Stacey Ramirez for your communication skills.
Jen H for going above and beyond to ensure students attend
school (CVS).
Amanda for collaborating with your peer to provide a student the best
educational experience.
Stephanie for spending the day going through a spreadsheet to
match up email addresses with names.
Tracy for providing a much needed sweet treat.
This Week
Sunday, May 29:
· Amy’s Birthday
Kari’s Birthday
· Robyn’s Birthday
Monday, May 30:
· No School-Memorial Day
Facebook Post Due to Jorvonna-8th Grade
· 3-8 ORF Benchmark 3 (May
30-June 3)
Tuesday, May 31:
· Grey Out Spirit Day
Wednesday, June 1:
· NJHS Induction Ceremony
6:30 PM
Thursday, June 2:
· Purple Club
Friday, June 3:
· K-5 Field Day
Important Dates
June 6: Collect
Student Textbooks
June 6: Trimester 3 School Store
June 6: Begin to Take Down Room
June 7: Grade Level Welcome Letter Saved to U-Drive
June 7: Trimester 3 Store Rewards
June 7: Move Up Day 8:30
June 7: Staff Meeting-Twisted Rooster
June 7: Staff Meeting Snacks-Admin
June 8: Last Day of Interventions
June 8: Performance Goals in Oracle
June 8: Report Card Grades Entered
June 8: 6 & 7 Field Day
June 9: Begin Printing Report Cards
June 9: 8th Grade Graduation 6 PM
June 9: Ja’Rayl’s Birthday
June 10: End of the Year Checklist Due to Dean
June 10: Kindergarten Promotion 9AM
June 10: Last Day of School-Students Dismissed at 11:20 AM
June 13: Sandy’s Birthday
June 13: Deb’s Birthday
June 15: Alex’s Birthday
*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please
let me know!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Amy: May 29
Robyn: May 29
Kari: May 29
There is a special gift
in the mailboxes of all the people who celebrate their birthdays in June.
Glint Survey Feedback
Thank you again for the valuable feedback that you provided during our April staff meeting regarding 10 statements on the Glint survey. During our regional PD we will create action plans for 5 of those statements and the other 5 will be discussed through my blog and the deans' newsletters.
This week, I will be discussing, “I trust the people I work with.”Based on the anchor chart above, you love that we are direct
with you; care about your well-being; do good news; and provide opportunities
for you to receive support from veteran and mentor teachers.
See the table below regarding our approach to “start”
implementing your feedback to increase the trust within our building.
Things to Start
Doing |
Ways To Address/Start
Doing |
We will have the social committee
schedule at least one off-site outing per trimester where staff have the
option to participate. |
We will continue to have seating charts
and icebreakers at staff meetings that ensure interaction between hallways. |
More direct conversations dean to teacher |
Based on the anchor chart where
multiple checks were given to the comment “Being direct with us.” We feel
that this is something that we do well, however, we acknowledge that it may
not be 100% of the time, so we will continue to monitor this feedback. |
If you have other suggestions on ways that we can increase the
trust in our building, please let me know!
EOY Items
On June 6, you may start to
slowly take things down in your room. As
much as I appreciate our staff’s desire to share with each other, no unwanted
items can be brought/left in the staff lounge. That includes food from your EOY
celebrations. I want to avoid treating the
staff lounge like a swap meet. 😊
If you have items that you no
longer want, please keep it in your classroom, take a picture, and send an
email to the staff. If no one wants your item(s), you will need to dispose of
Staff Member of the Year
At the end of every school year, Keystone recognizes a Staff Member of the
Year which is determined by your
peers. Think of someone who represents Keystone through positive words and
actions and goes above and beyond for staff and students.
Please complete the survey below by Wednesday, May 25 and we will
announce the winner at our staff meeting in June.
EOY Celebrations
To ensure
that we make count (attendance), EOY celebrations must take place on the last day of school
(except kinder). The time and activities are at your discretion.
Shout Outs
Keystone Staff for being understanding of the confusion with our
spirit day being a dress down day.
Teri, Flo, and Jessica G for bringing back our Talent
Show. It was amazing!
Danielle, Amanda R, Monique, Sky, Mandy, Tameka, Ellen,
Emma, Ja’Rayl, and Cindy Chuang for attending the Talent Show.
Thank you for spending your evening supporting our students.
Jen D for organizing a staff social gathering. Thank you for
providing staff an opportunity to socialize outside of school.
Monique, Christina, Kim J, Andria, Ellen, Tameka, Robyn,
Stacey Ramirez, and Stephanie for spending quality time with staff
outside of school.
Cindy Conti, Andria, and Tameka for providing data
and compassion to one of our families as we made a difficult decision.
Nikki for organizing the entire K-2 wing with an in-house field
trip. I appreciate you wanting all students to have that experience.
Robyn for sending out the movie communication so quickly for me.
Tameka for always making sure our teachers are informed about
Stacey for sending out the field trip communication.
Alex for securing our summer learning locations and persevering
to “win!”
Kathy for inventorying the entire library.
Jamie for sending out a lot of technology communication.
Stacey Ramirez for creating signs for PD.
Angel and Stacey for figuring out compensatory hours for our students.
Jen H for having difficult conversations with parents regarding attendance and the authorities.
This Week
Monday, May 23:
· K-2 Math Numeracy 3 (May
23-June 2)
· March of Dimes
Fundraiser (May 16-27)
Tuesday, May 24:
· Kathy’s Birthday
· PLC Meeting 4-5 PM
Friday, May 27:
· Morning Assembly
Presentation Due (Asian Pacific American Heritage)-Nelson
Day $1.00
Y5s-2nd ORF Benchmark 3
· Pay Day Breakfast-Specials
EOY Important Dates
May 30-June 3: 3-8 ORF Benchmark 3
May 29: Amy’s Birthday
May 29: Kari’s Birthday
May 29: Robyn’s Birthday
May 30: No School-Memorial Day
May 30: Facebook Post Due to
Jorvonna-8th Grade
June 1: NJHS Induction Ceremony 6:30 PM
June 2: Purple Club
June 3: K-5 Field Day
June 6: Collect Student Textbooks
June 6: Trimester 3 School Store
June 6: Begin to Take Down Room
June 7: Grade Level Welcome Letter Saved to U-Drive
June 7: Trimester 3 Store Rewards
June 7: Move Up Day 8:30
June 7: Staff Meeting
June 7: Staff Meeting Snacks
June 8: Last Day of Interventions
June 8: Performance Goals in Oracle
June 8: Report Card Grades Entered
June 8: 6 & 7 Field Day
June 9: Begin Printing Report Cards
June 9: 8th Grade Graduation 6 PM
June 9: Ja’Rayl’s Birthday
June 10: End of the Year Checklist Due to Dean
June 10: Kindergarten Promotion 9AM
June 10: Last Day of School-Students Dismissed at 11:20 AM
June 13: Sandy’s Birthday
June 13: Deb's Birthday
June 15: Alex’s Birthday
*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please
let me know!
EOY Deadlines
The admin team tried to provide adequate notice and time to complete the End of the Year (EOY) tasks. Please make sure that you are planning ahead by paying close attention to due dates in the EOY Procedures document that was passed out at the staff meeting.
The first item due is Moral Focus books
returned to the library by May 27!
As you start your end of the year tasks, I wanted to let you know that all postcards are on the copier room counter. Please note the following:
· Each teacher needs to complete 30 postcards.
· You are not writing this to a specific student, instead
it will be written to the grade level.
· When writing your message, you can handwrite them or
print them on a label.
· We have purchased two different sizes of “message” labels
(see image below). You can get the labels from Stacey Ramirez.
Don’t forget to save your “message”
labels so we can send postcards to new families who enroll during the summer.
You save them in the U-Drive à 21-22 Teacher Documents àEOY folderà Postcard Labels folder. Please include
your last name or grade level in the title.
· The “address” labels for the entire grade level were
placed in the team lead’s box on Wednesday.
· It’s important that you put the address label on first
before you write your message to ensure you have enough room.
· Please make sure you put the address label on the right
side of the postcard and your message on the left (see image below).
· These will be sent out in July, so it will be your
second summer communication to your incoming families. Your first communication
is the grade level welcome letter that will be sent home with report
May 20 Regional PD
Please see below for our May 20 PD agenda. Only salaried staff are required to attend. We will providing bagels and coffee for breakfast and lunch from Pizza Pazza food truck. You can choose one of the following:
Classic Cheese: pizza sauce and cheese
Pepperoni: pizza sauce, pepperoni, cheese and oregano
Pancetta: pizza sauce, cheese, arugula, fingerling potatoes
Chicken Pesto: garlic EVOO, wood fired tomatoes, pine nuts, fontina
Vegetali: garlic EVOO, seasonal veggie trio, EVOO, ricotta, basil
2022 Spring Regional Agenda by embryjd on Scribd