Glint Survey Feedback

Thank you again for the valuable feedback that you provided during our April staff meeting regarding 10 statements on the Glint survey. During our regional PD we will create action plans for 5 of those statements and the other 5 will be discussed through my blog and the deans' newsletters. 

This week, I will be discussing, “I trust the people I work with.”

Based on the anchor chart above, you love that we are direct with you; care about your well-being; do good news; and provide opportunities for you to receive support from veteran and mentor teachers.

See the table below regarding our approach to “start” implementing your feedback to increase the trust within our building.

Things to Start Doing

Ways To Address/Start Doing


 More off-site outings (optional)

       We will have the social committee schedule at least one off-site outing per trimester where staff have the option to participate.


 Hallway mingling

      We will continue to have seating charts and icebreakers at staff meetings that ensure interaction between hallways.

More direct conversations dean to teacher

       Based on the anchor chart where multiple checks were given to the comment “Being direct with us.” We feel that this is something that we do well, however, we acknowledge that it may not be 100% of the time, so we will continue to monitor this feedback.

If you have other suggestions on ways that we can increase the trust in our building, please let me know!

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