A part of having a strong school culture is upholding our behavioral expectations with care. As a reminder, when issuing Level 2 (Blue) behaviors please follow the expectations below. These will assist you with being proactive to reduce repeat behaviors.
1. Students should receive a yellow prior to getting a blue. The yellow can be verbal but it should be clear to the students that the verbal warning is a yellow. Very few exceptions should be applied when going straight to Level 2 (Blue).
2. Teachers
are required to have a conversation with any student who receives a yellow. The
conversation should have the student reflect on their behavior. Please use the Five Questions Model as a guide to walk students through
the logical thought process of their own behavior and help guide them to
positive choices.
What are you doing?
What are you supposed to be doing?
Are you doing it?
What are you going to do about it?
5) What is going to happen if you do this again?
3. Any student who receives a blue should get a consequence. Consequences could range from loss of privileges, time out, reflection sheets, etc. You can also utilize the behavior reflection packets that NHA created called, Positive Behavior Replacement Plans. This supplementary curriculum is intended to help students understand the consequences of their challenging behaviors, why they are not acceptable, and what they can do to change. You can access this resource on the Behavior Site app on MyNHA or by clicking here. 4. It’s
important for teachers to handle Level 2 (Blue) behaviors instead of the leadership team to avoid giving away your power. This can contribute to students no longer respecting the
authority of the teacher when you always have to call someone else. We don’t
mind supporting and guiding you while you build confidence and/or have a unique
situation. Remember to establish order with your class, create
structure, and build relationships with the students.
We hope these expectations assist
you with handling student behavior in a manner that reduces repeat behaviors.