We have 124 more Level 2 behavior incidents entered (YTD) in comparison to last year. That is A LOT. When looking at the school year as a whole, we did see a decrease in November and December. Great job!
However, in January, we already have 98 behavior incidents entered into
the system and we have only been in school for 8 days this month.
Please reflect on how you respond to student behavior. Are you
automatically entering a write-up as soon as a student demonstrates misbehavior
OR are you trying to understand the antecedent to the behavior and using this
as a learning opportunity?
Sadly, our Level 2 write ups are no longer effective because we are
issuing them excessively. This makes me think-- is this truly a student problem
or does the teacher need classroom management support? In the upcoming weeks, during
your O3, deans will review the number of behavior write ups you have entered,
so we can determine what supports are needed for the students and the teacher.
Congratulations to Y5s, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th grade for having a decrease in behavior incidents (YTD).
*Gray Bars (2023-24 SY) *Blue Bars (2024-25 SY)
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