Core Values


One of our Core Values is Behave With Care. We set a goal of entering one positive behavior per student every trimester. With progress reports due on Friday, we are half-way through Trimester 1, and I hope that you have provided at least half of your students with a positive behavior in MyNHA. The purpose of this initiative is to support a positive classroom culture; decrease attrition; and strength communication between home and school.

This can only be done if the positive behaviors are genuine. If you try to enter all the behaviors in the last week of the trimester, it takes away from the authenticity. If you haven’t started, I strongly encourage you to start on Monday.

A huge shout out to my top 10 staff members who have the most positive behaviors entered into MyNHA, especially Ellen Poole who has 153 positive behaviors entered in only 27 days of school. That means that she is averaging almost 6 positive behaviors a day. WOW! Thank you for seeing the good in our students.

Leadership Opportunities


Please make sure you take time to meet with your leadership committee and complete THIS agenda. Leadership committee agendas are due to Robyn on October 11.

Staff Meeting


Our staff meeting has been moved to Tuesday, October 15.

Student Work


Since we are halfway through Trimester 1, it’s our expectations that everyone has student work posted inside your room (Y5s-8th grade).

In addition, any teacher that has the bulletin board outside their classroom with “Bright Work/Magical Work/Great Work coming soon!” should have student work in those blank spots. 

Please ensure this is done by Friday, October 11.  

Keystone Staff Playlist


As you know, I love playing music before our meetings to stimulate positive vibes. Well, I would love to create a Keystone Staff Favorite playlist that includes your favorite songs. Please complete THIS quick 3-question survey.  



Keystone staff for expressing your appreciation for the wonderful things that occur within our school and ways that we can make it even better. I appreciate your 15-minutes of time.

Robyn, Stacey Reed, and Alex for being acting principals in my absence. I love knowing that I leave the school in capable hands.      

Stacey Ramirez for your creative abilities and talent.  

Tracy, Diane, and Amanda for the MOYA post. I appreciate you highlighting the wonderful things that happen in our middle school.  

Ellen, Stacey Reed, Amy, Danielle, Diane, Crystal, and Nikki for sending the most High Fives in September from your team.

Holly for showing a genuine interest in my time away.

This Week


Monday, October 7:

    ·      Nikki’s Birthday

Wednesday, October 9:

    ·      Perfect Attendance Dress Down Day

Thursday, October 10:

    ·      Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Bullying Prevention Unity Day)-Robinson

    ·      Monique’s Birthday

Friday, October 11:

    ·      Jorvonna Out of the Building (Personal)-Stacey Acting Principal

Happy Birthday


Nikki: October 7

Monique: October 10

There is a special gift in the mailboxes of all the people who celebrate their birthday in October.

Important Dates


October 14: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Anti-Bullying Month)-Patton

October 15: Courtney’s Birthday

October 15: Staff Meeting Snacks-5th Grade

October 15: Staff Meeting

October 16: ½ Day (Staff PD)

October 17: Family Learning Night 5:30 PM

October 18: IAT Meetings

October 18: Trunk or Treat

October 18: Payday Friday Breakfast-8th Grade

October 21: Robyn P’s Birthday

October 22: PLC (Team) Meeting

October 22: Picture Re-takes

October 24: 30 Hour PD

October 24: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (American Indian Heritage Month)-M. Higgins

October 25: Parent-Student Compact Due

October 25: Spirit Day

October 25: Kim J’s Birthday

October 25: Middle School Dance 4-6 PM

October 28-November 1: Warm Detroit Coat Drive (NJHS)

October 28-November 1: 3-8 ELA & Math Interim 1

October 28-November 1: 3-8 Science Interim 1 (Grades 3-4, 6-8)

October 31: 1st Grade Social Media Post Due to Jorvonna

*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!