8th Grade Clap Out


We will continue our clap out tradition on the last day of school for our 8th graders. Please have all your students lined up outside your classroom by 10:45 on Friday. All 8th graders and their parents will walk through the hallways of Keystone one last time as the entire school claps/cheers for them. 

Students can shout, say kind words, clap hands or use noisemakers to make our 8th graders feel special. I will be providing each grade level with a specific number of clappers and/or noise makers for your students to use. Please make sure to collect them at the conclusion of the clap out and return them to me. Upon completion of the clap out, all Y5s-7 students will immediately go back to their classroom and teachers will pull up Driveline.

Please make sure to end your classroom celebration in enough time to prepare for the end of the day and be in the hallway by 10:45.

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