Greeting at Keystone


As Robyn discussed in our staff meeting, we are expecting greetings to occur at the following times:

    1.   Mornings

    2.   Transitions to different classes (4-8 grade, specials, etc.)

    3.   After recess

    4.   Classroom visitors

When greeting, staff should:

1.   Say the student's name.

2.   Make eye contact.

3.   Use a friendly nonverbal greeting, such as a handshake, high five, or thumbs-up.

4.   Give a few words of encouragement.

5.   Ask how their morning/day is going.

I know this seems obvious, but we have some staff that are just standing in their doorway talking to colleagues instead of greeting each individual student.

Classroom Visitors

When a visitor knocks on your classroom door, you should have one student greeter assigned to answer the door. This should be a student who sits near the door. For safety, please teach your students that they are required to get your permission before opening your locked door. The student will greet the visitor by saying, “Welcome to our class. We are currently working on (subject area). You may sit here.” This should only take the student greeter less than a minute to avoid interrupting the learning.

Subject areas:

K-2 students can just identify the subject area (math, reading, science, writing, social studies, etc.). Where our 3-8 students should be able to identify the specific content (multiplying factions, identifying the theme in a story, etc.).

See below for a video on a proper greeting.

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