ABCD Goal-Attendance

Congratulations to both Mrs. Turner’s and Ms. Cryder's classes for spelling the word, PRESENT! 

Congratulations to Mrs. Layton’s class for spelling the word, HERE! Due to Mandy’s communication (see below), she was able to get the last two letters just this past Monday and Tuesday. So, for those still working on the word HERE, don’t give up! 😊

          Good evening!

Our classroom won the hallway contest for the most completed lessons on Dreambox!  I am super proud of our class.  They voted to watch a 30-minute movie.  I will let you know when and what we will be watching soon.

We FINALLY got the "R" in the word HERE.  That means that today was the third day where everyone was here on time and stayed the entire day.  No one was tardy or absent!  Thank you all so much.  Hopefully, tomorrow we will get an "E" and there will be another reason celebrate! 

In addition, Ashley Ancrile does a great job using communication to partner with her families to improve attendance in her classroom. In the communication below she made a point to ensure students attended on our half-day which supports our attendance school goal. (See below).

Please make attendance a priority on Wednesday's half day. The morning will be heavy with new math and reading content. We are also looking to earn our first letter in "attendance". 

Both are great examples of school-home partnerships that positively impact attendance. How are you using communication and parental involvement to support our attendance school goal?

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