Important Dates


January 10: Y5s-8th Grade ORF Benchmark 2

January 11: Staff Meeting 4-5 PM

January 11: Staff Meeting Snacks-Kinder

January 14: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Civil Rights Day (Jeng)

January 14: Early Release 1:15 pm

January 17: No School-MLK Day

January 21: Progress Reports

January 21: Intervention Meetings

January 21: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Kindness Week (Joye)

January 21: Pay Day Friday Breakfast-Specials

January 24-28: 3-8 ELA Interim 2

January 24-28: 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 Science Interim 2

January 24-28: K-2 Math Numeracy 2

January 25: PLC (Team) Meeting 4-5 pm

January 28: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Black History Month (Turner)

January 28: Spirit Day

January 31: Facebook Post Due to Jorvonna (4th Grade)

January 31-February 4: 6th Grade Science Interim 2


*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!  

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