Two weeks away from school.
Staying up too late watching TV? Playing video games all day? Sleeping in several extra hours? Taking daily
naps? These are some of the ways that our students will spend their break, so it’s important to
reteach your behavioral expectations when students return. You don’t need to spend several
weeks reestablishing your classroom culture, but several days should be used to
help students transition back into the routines of our school day.
For example, you can have
discussions with your students about their own expectations. In the beginning
of the school year, the students created a social contract. So, ask them what
they expect their classmates to continue to do in the new year. Let your
students lead these discussions by restating what they expect now that they've had some time to get to know each other and some time away.
After a long vacation, how do you provide additional
supports for your students during the transition back? Please share your
best practices with your team.