Shout Outs


Stacey for always taking initiative. I appreciate all your help with the staff meeting.    

Jamie for making a personal delivery for a family in need.  

Deb for always spoiling me. You have no idea how grateful I was to walk into my office on Tuesday morning and seeing everything put away. WOW!

Stephanie for volunteering to cover my morning arrival spot. Thank you for seeing a need, filling a need.

Steve, Jena, Sloane, Tully, Tracy, and Kari for understanding and increasing your synchronous sessions for your virtual students. No matter what we ask of you, you get it done. Thank you!

Stephanie for gathering a lot of documentation for me in such a quick turnaround.

Gary for working so hard to help me find the missing key.

Stephanie for taking down the thankful decorations in the office.

Jessica and Jenaca for putting up a Black History Month bulletin board. It looks amazing!

Teri,, Sheila and Kari for sharing a best practice! Your knowledge and resources will be beneficial to so many.

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