Gratitude Challenge-Week 2


We had 34 staff members participate in the Gratitude Challenge last week. I enjoyed reading the things that you value and appreciate. If you are participating in Week 2 (November 8-14) of the Gratitude Challenge, please make sure to turn in your gratitude jar to me on Monday, November 16. This week I was grateful for…

·      November 8: My college “girl squad” calling and checking on me. It was great to catch up.  

·      November 9: My daughters being independent and packing their own lunches.

·      November 10: Meeting my weekly quota for working out.  

·      November 11: My husband always willing to help.

·      November 12: Staff that continue to give their all despite the circumstances.  

·      November 13: For the weekend!

·      November 14: Spending time with sister. My daughters love their Titi.

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