Teacher Appreciation Week

You know that the admin team LOVES our staff, so we could not let the school closure hinder us from showing our appreciation. We have a lot of amazing things planned next week. The theme is board games. We are finalizing the details and will send a separate email highlighting everything! Let the games begin and get ready to be appreciated. 😊

No Contact List

If you have a student that you have not been able to contact, although you have made several attempts, please click on the No Contact list  and complete it by Friday, May 1. Your dean will be calling those families next week.

Our purpose for this call is to ensure that everything is okay (especially those families who have disappeared on us since school got out) and encourage them to get involved with the learning taking place. Deans will be using the No Contact Google sheet to document these contacts so we can track them.

New Students

NHA is still accepting students for this school year, even amongst the closure because this follows our standard Enrollment Practices and Procedures. I know these incoming families will appreciate the tremendous job you’ve done with remote learning. We all know the importance of enrollment, so if you do receive a new student, please take the extra step to reach out to them personally and welcoming them to your class.

Chromebook Distribution

We are planning on doing our second Chromebook distribution for families who need to borrow technology. We are in the process of working through details with families and devising our distribution plan. Jamie and Sarah will be sharing the "official list" of families who need to borrow a device by the end of this week. If you have any families who have communicated to you that they need a device, please plan to check the list and ensure that they have signed up. This will be our final distribution, so it is important that we get them to everyone who needed one.

Please keep in mind that due to limited quantity, we are only offering one Chromebook per household. So, if a family received a Chromebook during the first distribution, they will not be able to participate in this distribution.

Google Meet Expectations

When doing live meetings, Google Meet should only be conducted in Google Classroom or the Google Meet App. Please read through the document below for more information.

If you are choosing to use the Google Meet app, you would click on the app and create your meeting nickname, then click continue. It is that easy! If you need help setting up the live sessions, please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of the admin team. 

Teacher Challenge

Teacher Challenge - Record yourself teaching a lesson and post it for students to view!

As we broaden our horizons on technology, there are many ways that we can continue to develop ourselves professionally as "virtual teachers" and provide great instruction for students. This week, I would like to encourage you to give it a try by creating your own video of a mini-lesson and post for your class to use to help them with their assignments this week.

Here are some simple things that you can do from home to create a video for your students:
  • Use your phone and create a video! Prop your phone up so you can see yourself and teach a lesson for your students. Once you are finished, you can email it directly to yourself (or plug your phone into your computer) to download and post.
  • Some teachers have even found ways to create a homemade "ELMO" with their iPhone on top of a stack of books. You can talk your students through a math problem, demonstrate how to complete a CER, etc.
  • Create a screencast using Google Meet. You can create a meeting and use the link to access and "present" your screen for others to view. You might consider posting one of the worksheets they are doing or even some of the reading materials from their ELA lesson. On the screencast, they will be able to see you talking while also viewing the information on your screen.


Special education team members have been working collaboratively with teachers to ensure personal contacts are made and accommodations are supported.  They came up with a new online accommodation plan to make it easier for everyone to know which accommodations they can support remotely as well as a log to document their efforts.  Nice work!

Sarah Mason, Tabitha, Jeanne, Tricia, and Theresa have been attending grade level PLCs to provide support and open communication.  The paras are working with their teachers to better support high needs students as well as their student.  Sarah is working with Interventions as well as they share students.  They are working on a student check-in schedule to support the teachers. 

Tully set up a Google meet for our middle school book club students. The book the middle school students were reading for the month was Pax. The students are currently voting to select a new book for May. Tracy, Nicolle and Sloane also participated in the book club.

Happy Birthday

Melissa.- May 7

Theresa- May 10

Documentation Tracking Tool

A tool has been added to Gradebook in myNHA where the designated homeroom teacher should enter data on a weekly basis. Two fields-‘Teacher Connection’, and ‘Student Participation’ – are to be completed for each student each week.

Documentation of this activity will be useful for several audiences. First, for teachers and admin–schools will be able to see which families are not participating in learning activities and be able to reach out proactively to engage them. Second, for NHA as a system of schools–NHA will be able to analyze the usefulness of our current home learning strategy and continue to make adjustments and improvements as necessary. Third, for our authorizing bodies–NHA can assure states and authorizers that our intended learning activity with scholars is happening with fidelity.

The tool is intended to be simple, straightforward, and not time-consuming – and at the same time provide valuable and timely information on the status of remote learning.

Below are some common questions and answers related to this data tracking tool. Thank you for helping us all track activity and continuously improve our practice.

    1.    Is the use of this tool required?
a.    Yes.

    2.    I am a specials teacher. Am I supposed to fill this out?
a.    No, not directly. Only the homeroom teacher will have access to this tool. But similar to planning weekly lessons for students, you should be collaborating with the homeroom teacher so that the homeroom teacher has full insight into student participation in learning activities.

    3.    What do you mean by “teacher connection?”
a.    Teacher connection is defined as any action the teacher takes to reach out to the student or parent regarding that student’s learning. Examples would be an email, a phone call, a text message, a connection via Google classroom, or similar items. The column allows for three possible entries – blank, meaning that the teacher was not able to initiate any connection to the student; attempted, meaning that the teacher initiated a contact but received no response; or successful, meaning that the teacher received a response to their outreach. The required weekly email from teachers to families outlining the scope of work for the week does not count in this column of teacher connection. For reference, hovering your mouse over the blue circle in the column title will show the column definition.

    4.    “What do you mean by “student participation?”
a.    Any evidence the teacher has that the student engaged with the learning material can be counted as student participation. Examples can include student work viewed through Google classroom, a student/family-generated photo of a completed worksheet, verbal confirmation on a phone call that a student completed work, and similar items. For reference, hovering your mouse over the blue circle in the column title will show the column definition.

    5.    When should this be completed?
a.    Data will need to be entered into the tool weekly. Ideally, that would be completed by Friday afternoon each week. Data can be entered at any point during the week as long as it is finalized by the end of the week. Staff will have to go back and track Student Participation and Teacher Connection beginning the week of April 13.

    6.    I don’t see this tool in my gradebook. I am team-teaching with another staff member.
a.    In the case of two teachers in a class, only one person has been assigned to the tool to track progress. Although the myNHA team has been working to ensure team teachers are represented in myNHA equally for common in-person school situations  (same access, both names display in course lists, on report cards, etc.), they were intentional to only give one teacher access to track remote learning due to the requirement of only having one teacher responsible for communicating with families and tracking this information.

    7.    Am I supposed to be entering grades for students during this closure period?
a.    No

Live Meeting Schedule

If you are conducting live meetings with your students, please adhere to the schedule below. This schedule was created to take into consideration:

     1. Families that have children at multiple grade levels
     2. Families that may only have one device for students to utilize

In addition, new security features in Google Meet do not allow students to create their own Google Meet sessions. However, students could rejoin a teacher-created Google Meet session up to 3 minutes after the last person leaves the meeting, then the meeting locks. For this reason, teachers should be the last person to leave a live meeting and check back in 1-3 minutes to ensure no students have rejoined.

Staff Meeting

April 20 Staff Meeting Agenda

1. Good News
2. Meeting Norms
3. Remote Learning 2.0
4. Accessing the Building 
5. Glint Survey
8. Q & A
9. Launch


First grade has opened Google Classrooms after having created an efficient weekly plan for parents.  They are excited to have more student interactions!  They have continued using DOJO as a communication tool for parents and respond even if it is outside of "business hours."  A few students have completed and even presented their Family Project in a video!

Young Fives and Kindergarten have been working well as a team of 8!  They've been collaborating well with their weekly newsletters/plans and tailoring it for their students’ needs.  They are adding a little more each week, so parents aren't overwhelmed with the new system.  They've used a variety of means: classroom apps, personal notes through the mail, email, phone calls and virtual meets when able to connect with students.  They've heard from almost 100% of their students!

Sloane starts her week off in her Google Classroom with good news.

The Specials teacher send out a weekly newsletter to the Keystone families. This week Emma asked students to create art by looking for items around  them, Kelly set up a music challenge for the students to teach their family a song or game they learned in music , Sarah is teaching the students how to animate their jokes and Brian posted videos of his daughter Avery doing different workout techniques. Way to go specials teachers!


Each week, the deans highlight great things that members of their teams are doing to generate ideas and best practices amongst colleagues. I know that all of you are doing amazing and creative things and I cannot wait to share them in the upcoming weeks.

The Special Education Team has been creatively coming up with solutions to help their students during the school closure.  Some of what they've been doing is: creating google classrooms for their students, using email and phones to make student and parent contacts, sharing a blog for OT resources, sending resources to speech students.  In addition, they've been collaborating with classroom teachers and still managing to hold IEP meetings.  They haven't missed any deadlines despite the circumstances.  Keep up the great work!!

All my teams jumped in and started running with Remote Learning 2.0 planning during their Spring Break!  The fourth grade team has been staying connected to their students and doing their best to keep them engaged by sending a student specific personalized email each week or setting up a phone call with each student each week!  They have each started a log to track their communication!

5th -8th grade teachers were ready to go with the new Remote Learning 2.0 over Spring Break! The teachers always have the students' best interest and want them to be successful when planning and communicating out to families. The middle school teachers are setting up weekly spirit days for the middle school students to keep them engaged and having fun with learning!

EOY Evaluations

The End of the Year Evaluation window is now open. You and your dean have already scheduled your O3 for the week of April 20-May 1 to discuss and finalize your ratings. Due to the school closure, NHA has made some changes to the evaluation. The Positive Impact on Student Learning indicator will be removed from the evaluation since students didn’t have a full year to demonstrate growth. Instead, Professional Accountabilities will account for 50% of the overall evaluation score, and the remaining 50% will be based on the Classroom Framework. I will be sending a separate email explaining the self-rating process for Professional Accountabilities.

Remote Learning 2.0

Work is not required but recommended so kids can actively be engaged in learning during this time. The learning packet work really has a focus on participation and effort rather than a focus on grades due to the inequity in homes across our system of schools. The standards covered in the learning packets are the most important, priority standards that will make the biggest difference for students’ success in their upcoming grade level. No grades are being entered into the gradebook. Instead, NHA is developing a tool for teachers to track participation and contact with students.

Instead of spending time grading work, teachers should provide feedback as well as correct misconceptions as needed. Rather than earning a grade, ask parents/kids to take a picture of one completed assignment each week (their best work, their favorite assignment, etc.) as a check-in on who’s participating.

Please do not hesitate to speak with your dean during your grade level/PLC meeting this week if you still have lingering questions.

Live Meeting

We are excited that NHA has provided us with a platform to conduct live meetings with our students, Google Meet. At this time, Keystone will be offering this platform beginning Monday, April 20, so that we can ensure consistency and understanding of the expectations of this platform. Please be on the lookout for more information.

Staff Engagement Survey

NHA will be continuing with the Staff Engagement Survey for our staff.  However, the survey will be significantly shorter and focus primarily on collecting information on staff needs during the COVID-19 closure. The survey window will open on Monday, April 20 through Friday, May 1.

Happy Birthday

Sarah M.- April 6
Ellen- April 12