

Lisa for all of the decorations you provided for August PD and New Family Dinner. You made our western theme come alive.

Ellen, Cindy, Andria, and Jane for your flexibility and perseverance with benchmark testing.

Stacey Ramirez for being my companion really late into the night to make sure the front office was ready for the first day of school.

Nicole for coming in and providing creative attendance rewards and keeping staff on track with attendance.

Robyn, Stacey Reed, Stacey Ramirez, Stefanie, and Alex for making A LOT of enrollment phone calls.  

Jwain and Jen H for jumping into your roles and getting things done.   

Jeanne, Nicole, Kim J, and Jen H for supporting the leadership team with a student concern. Your quick response helped to resolve the problem  

Theresa, Kim B, Lisa, and Sandy for volunteering to stay during dismissal to ensure the safety of our students.  

Courtney for always being willing to help in many different capacities.

Tracy and Diane for getting things together for MOYA.

Jen H for spending a lot of time supporting new colleagues.

Teri for finding out important information regarding math instruction.

Danielle for supporting colleagues during the absence.

Steve for the sweet treat on the first day of school. 

Kathleen for assisting me with the power outage. 

Alex for making me feel seen and sane. 

Brandy for going above and beyond to make sure all needs are met. 

Gary for always giving me a kind smile and hello. 

Jane for showing kindness towards my children. 

Mark for greeting me first and making sure I heard you! 

Kim B for providing me an affirmation via text. Thanks for the encouragement. 

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