ABCDE Goals-Chronic Absenteeism


As I mentioned during August PD, we are focusing on the C (Chronic Absenteeism) and D (Development) of the ABCDE goals. You are a critical component of us achieving our first goal-- to decrease our total number of student absences by 3% from 8,406 in the 2023-24 SY to 8,154 in the 2024-25 SY.

The first step is to continue implementing our classroom attendance initiatives outlined on page 6 of our Staff Reference Guide.  

“In an effort to decrease our absences, classroom teachers will write their daily percentage present outside their door by 8:15 AM to receive a raffle ticket. Raffle tickets will be placed in the clear box on the counter in the copy room and pulled during assembly to earn a prize.

Additionally, every classroom will try to spell out the word HERE, then PRESENT, and finally ATTENDANCE. The class receives a letter each day that all students are present, on time, and with no early dismissals. When each of the words are spelled out, the classroom receives an award that is determined by the teacher; not to exceed 30 minutes a day. Please communicate with your dean and Jorvonna the type of award and when it will happen. Perfect attendance begins the first day of school. Please include your progress in your weekly newsletters.”

Furthermore, engage our families by creating an “attendance” section in your weekly newsletter highlighting your classroom progress. For example, you could say, “Families, we had no tardies, absences, nor early dismissals for two days this week earning us the “H” and “E” from the word “HERE.” Once we spell the complete word, students will earn a celebration. Please help us achieve this goal by avoiding absences, tardies and early dismissals when possible. Thank you for your partnership.” Kudos to Mrs. Shroff who did an exceptional job of this last year! This might be a contributing factor as to why she was able to have the most perfect attendance days last school year.

Lastly, don’t forget that you are responsible for contacting families once students have reached 2 & 4 absences. You can find sample communications in the 2024-24 Teacher Document folder in the Attendance folder on the U-Drive. Please don’t forget to ‘cc” Nicole Gozalka, our Attendance Liaison. She will be tracking communications.

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