Sensory Wall


One way to support student behavior is through the utilization of our sensory walls. 

As a reminder, there is a movement break space on the K-2 hallway bulletin board; a calm down and movement space on the gym hallway bulletin board for the 3-5 hallway; and a movement and calm down space in the hallway by the parent room for the middle school.

There are 3 options for each board/space:

     1)   Move: to provide proprioception and vestibular input for alerting techniques to increase focus and attention.

     2)   Recharge: yoga-based stretching for deeper pressure, balance, and heavy work movement for neutral techniques to maintain focus and attention throughout the school day but still requiring a brain break.

     3)    Calm-down: positive affirmations, deep breathing techniques, mood enhancing/mindfulness tasks to reduce frustration and get back to a calm body to be ready for learning.

Students can utilize these walls if they feel tired, overwhelmed, or just need a brain break and some sensory input for their systems to regulate for the day.

Please point out these walls to your students.

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