

Stacey Ramirez for updating our sign to reflect our achievements.

Jen H for being so many things to so many people. You are a lifesaver!

Stacey Reed, Robyn, Tameka, and Jamie for all the “things.” I couldn’t lead this building without you. You make my job easier and better.

Cindy Chuang for staying at our movie night. Thank you for your sacrifice of time.

Alex, Teri, Josie, and Ashley A for inviting me into your classrooms for Black History Month.

Ja’Rayl for organizing Jump Rope for Heart.

Stephanie for all your communication to families on behalf of the entire staff.

Robyn for keeping our sub list updated and communicating this to our staff.

Diane for designing an amazing BHM bulletin board. I love your creativity.

Teri for all the time that you spent ensure that our student receive proper instruction to demonstrate academic success.

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