Core Values-BWC

 We are at that time in the school year where students are starting to get comfortable with you and each other. That comfortability can be good and/or bad. You may start witnessing the following signs and symptoms from your students:

·      an increase in power struggles (arguments, backtalk, back-and-forth) amongst kids and adults

·      an increase in inappropriate physical contact, from fighting to public displays of affection and indecency; and/or

·      an increase in students bringing items to school that are not allowed, from toys, candy, etc.

As we move into next week, I encourage you to find that one child who causes extra challenges to your classroom environment or who irritates you and make it a point to interact with him/her on a daily basis. Work to build a strong relationship with this student. In my 19 years of education, I’ve noticed that those students who make a change for the better are the ones who had at least one person take the time to build a relationship with them. BE THAT PERSON!

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