March 1 Staff Meeting

 Starting at 3:45, please go to the staff lounge to sign in, pick up documents, and grab some snacks. Our staff meeting will begin promptly at 4:00 pm in the various locations.

Grade Level


Y5s - 2nd

Barbee’s Room

3rd - 5th

Ancrile’s Room

Middle School & Specials

Borowiak’s Room

Interventions, EL, & SpEd


Please see the agenda below.

3.1.22 Staff Meeting Agenda by embryjd on Scribd

Report Cards


In preparation of P-T Conferences, please make sure to print report cards and send them home Wednesday, March 9. Sending home report cards prior to conferences allows families an opportunity to process their emotions before meeting with you. This will help the conversation be informed and targeted.

New Staff


I am happy to announce that Glen has stepped into his new role as our Educational Technology Coordinator and has already improved technology around our school. If you have any Chromebook issues, please make sure to reach out to him.

In addition, Laura Dean, our former Kinder para has decided to return to Keystone as a sub starting March 6.

I am excited to have our technology working and an additional sub in our building!

Need Some Chocolate?


The candy jar is back. Please feel free to come to my office (even when I am not in there) and grab some candy whenever you need a pick me up.

Shout Outs


Tracy for always providing the staff with sweet treats.    

Stephanie for setting up and cleaning up the taco bar.    

Tameka for the extra “thyme” schedule and conference survey.  

Stacey Reed for always thinking of ways to make things easier for the staff.   

Stacey Reed for being the MICIP scribe.

Jen H, Teri, and Tameka for attending and participating in a discipline hearing. Your insight was invaluable and helped our Board make an important decision regarding the safety of our students.

Jamie, Stacey and Amelia for working hard to support a student’s medical needs as she transitions back to Keystone.

Deb and Amanda for putting together the new parent room chairs.    

This Week


Monday, February 28:

   ·    Jessica G’s Birthday

   ·    Wellness Day

   ·    Deans & Principal Appreciation Week

   ·    Facebook Post Due to Jorvonna-5th Grade

Tuesday, March 1:

   ·    Staff Meeting

   ·    Staff Meeting Snacks-1st Grade

Wednesday, March 2:

·    Sarah D’s Birthday

·    Students may wear Mario & Luigi attire or a solid-colored red or green shirt with jeans for FREE

Thursday, March 3:

   ·    Purple Club

Friday, March 4:

   ·    Payday Breakfast-3rd Grade

   ·    All Grades Entered

   ·    End of Trimester 2

   ·    Trimester 2 School Store

   ·    Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Roberts (National Women’s History Month)

Important Dates


March 7: Trimester 2 School Store Rewards

March 7-11 5 Science Interims 3

March 8: Jorvonna’s Birthday

March 9: Report Cards Printed and Go Home

May 9: Students may wear clothing resembling their avatar or favorite book character for $1

March 9-11: Book Fair

March 10: PT Conferences 4-8 PM

March 11: ½ Day of School

March 11: PT Conferences 12-4 PM

March 11: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Hutcherson (National Women’s History Month)

March 14-18: 8 Science Interim 3

March 16: Students may dress as an animal or wear an animal shirt for $1

March 18: Payday Breakfast-6th Grade

March 18: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Reading Month Committee (Reading Month)

March 20: Sarah Missant’s Birthday

March 22: PLC Meeting

March 22: Tameka’s Birthday

March 23: Students may wear sports attire for $1

March 23: Megan’s Birthday

March 24: Family Fun Night 5:30-7:30

March 25: Spirit Day

March 25: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Felsburg (Autism Awareness Month)

March 29-April 2: Spring Break

March 31: Facebook Post Due to Jorvonna-6th Grade


*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!  

Happy Birthday


Jessica G: February 28

Sarah D: March 2

Achievement Board


Achievement Boards need to be done by Friday!

Make sure to include the following on your achievement board:

   ·    Title

   ·    Objective written as an I Can Statement 

   ·    Standard (Common Core, NGSS, etc.)

   ·    Student work

   ·    Specific feedback for each student

o  Please write more than “Good job!”

Please note: if the student work has a score on it, take off the student's name before displaying it. If the student’s work does not have a score on it, it is acceptable to post the student's name.

Bubble Standards

 We have just five weeks left before Spring Break and state testing. While you have worked tirelessly all year to help our students master standards in math, ELA, science, and social studies, now is the time to make that final push to increase our number of proficient students. Our goal as educators is to have as many proficient (grade level) students as possible to set them up for success in future grades and in life. We can increase the number of proficient students by moving our bubble students.

NHA has provided a document that identifies “bubble” standards based on Interim 2 results. These are standards where majority of our students scored 2.0-2.5 (see example below). 

We ask that our K-2 teachers use Math Numeracy and aimsWeb to identify bubble students and standards to increase the number of proficient students.

All deans will be providing teachers with the information soon regarding specific standards that we would like you to address with your students for the remainder of the school year. You will discuss this as a grade level team to develop a plan for addressing those standards needing re-teaching and additional practice. You can provide your students an opportunity to explore the bubble standards through Do Nows, workshop groups, Exit Tickets, independent practice, whole group instruction, etc.


Shout Outs


Cindy Chuang, Diane, Julianne, Kari, Austin, Steve, Jena, Tracy, Sam, and Stacey Reed for my Valentine’s flowers.   

Jen H and Amelia for spending your afternoon ensuring the safety of our students.   

Stacey Ramirez for completing a student data survey for me.  

Stacey Reed for all the field trip communication.  

Emma for designing our Wellness Day flyer.

Jamie, Robyn, Stacey, and Tameka for all your work with MICIP.  

This Week

Monday, February 21:

   ·  No School-Presidents’ Day

Tuesday, February 22:

   ·  3-8 Math Interim 2 (Feb 22-25)

   ·  Twins Day-students may pair off with a friend and dress alike since it’s Two’s Day

   ·  PLC Meeting (Salaried Staff) 4-5 PM

Thursday, February 24:

   ·    Stefanie L’s Birthday

Friday, February 25:

   ·    Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Reading Month (Reading Month Committee)

   ·    Change Bulletin Boards

   ·    Lisa’s Birthday

   ·    Intervention Meetings

   ·    Positive Parent Contacts Due

   ·    Spirit Day $1.00

Important Dates

February 28: Jessica G’s Birthday

February 28: Wellness Day

February 28-March 4: Deans & Principal Appreciation Week

February 28: Facebook Post Due to Jorvonna-5th Grade

March 1: SLT Meeting

March 2: Sarah D’s Birthday

March 2: Students may wear Mario & Luigi attire or a solid-colored red or green shirt with jeans for FREE

March 3: Purple Club

March 4: Payday Breakfast-3rd Grade

March 4: All Grades Entered

March 4: End of Trimester 2

March 4: Trimester 2 School Store

March 4: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Roberts (National Women’s History Month)

March 7: Trimester 2 School Store Rewards

March 7-11 5 Science Interims 3

March 8: Staff Meeting

March 8: Jorvonna’s Birthday

March 8: Staff Meeting Snacks-1st Grade

March 9: Report Cards Printed

May 9: Students may wear clothing resembling their avatar or favorite book character for $1

March 9-11: Book Fair

March 10: PT Conferences 4-8 PM

March 11: ½ Day of School

March 11: PT Conferences 12-4 PM

March 11: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Hutcherson (National Women’s History Month)

March 14-18: 8 Science Interim 3

March 16: Students may dress as an animal or wear an animal shirt for $1

March 18: Payday Breakfast-6th Grade

March 18: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Reading Month Committee (Reading Month)

March 20: Sarah Missant’s Birthday

March 22: PLC Meeting

March 22: Tameka’s Birthday

March 23: Students may wear sports attire for $1

March 23: Megan’s Birthday

March 24: Family Fun Night 5:30-7:30

March 25: Spirit Day

March 25: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Felsburg (Autism Awareness Month)

March 29-April 2: Spring Break

March 31: Facebook Post Due to Jorvonna-6th Grade


*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!  

March Birthdays

 There is a special gift in the mailboxes of all the people who celebrate their birthdays in

Lunch on Tuesday


Our PTO will be showing us some love on Tuesday by providing the staff with lunch. Lunch will be soups, salads, and sandwiches.

Early Release Specials Schedule


For our reunification meeting this Friday, please bring your red emergency bag which should contain an updated emergency contact list. As I mentioned before all staff (hourly, salary, Preferred, and Aramark) need to attend to learn about our reunification plan and visit the reunification location.

See below for the specials schedule.

Early Release Specials Schedule by embryjd on Scribd

Extra Prep Schedule


Don’t forget to make your Positive Family Connection by February 25. See the schedule below for your additional 30-minute prep this week. 

Extra Prep Schedule by embryjd on Scribd