Shout Outs


Andria, Stacey, Tameka, Robyn, Jamie, Sam, Andria, and Nikki for presenting at the staff meeting.  

Robyn for doing a wonderful job presenting information to perspective Kinder families.

Robyn, Stefanie, Stacey Ramirez, Crystal, Lisa, Mandy, Megan, and Jessica W for spending an evening with perspective Kinder families. Thank you for understanding the importance of enrollment.

Tameka for volunteering to help set up on a night when she didn’t have to stay.

Andria for checking to see if her help was needed and being willing to stay late.

Andria for Reading Month communication.

Cindy Conti for tracking down Chromebooks.

Ellen and Andria for sharing Lexia and Dreambox best practices with other schools.

Cindy Conti, Andria, and Ellen for all the hours you spent completing the intervention inventory.

Stacey Reed for providing feedback that supported student learning.   

Robyn, Jamie, Tameka, and Stacey for your commitment to be consistent with expectations.

Lindsey for making a screencast to show staff how to do an expense report.

Shanay for providing sensory resources to students and staff.

Sarah Drain for making delicious treats and helping out throughout the school.  

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