Professional Development Opportunity


NHA is offering Professional Development for NHA Teachers, Leadership and Staff titled, Google Certification Cohort hosted by Lissa Brunan.

Sarah Davenport stated, “it’s a wonderful training, but it’s a little different from our traditional PD in that it covers all aspects of Google Suite (Docs, Slides, Sheets, Site, Draw, etc.), not just the teaching components.” 


We can cover the cost for 5 teachers to attend Level 1 training. Please email me your name if you are interested. If we have more than 5 people interested, I will draw names. Everyone else is able to attend at your own cost.


See below for information provided by NHA.


Intro & Tour Video - Level 1 Pre-Cohort and Level 1 Cohort Classrooms


Cohort begins in January (or get an early start in December if you want) 

Certification Costs 

·       Level 1 - $150.00

·       Level 2 - $250.00 (need to complete Level 1 certification to take level 2)


Link to Cohort Registration   Deadline to sign up December 18, 2020. 

·       GVSU will cover costs for Level 1 and Level 2 for the first 50 people to sign up that are either GVSU students/staff/alumni or educators from their charter schools. 

·       You will receive a certificate of completion after each Level.

o   Michigan teachers will receive SCECH credits with added cost to MOECS for $10.00.

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