PLC Agenda

We will begin our PLC meeting in Hegna’s classroom at 4:00 PM. Then, we will have breakout sessions by wings. During our PLC meeting, we will be focusing on Phase 2 (Analyze Results) of the Workshop Cycle. We will be going over Interim 1 and Numeracy data to continue our work around our school goal of personalized instruction. Please bring your laptop.

Goal: To increase the number of students proficient on Interims 1 and 2 by 5% from the 2018-19 school year in both ELA (55%and 57%) and math (48% and 51%) through personalized instruction (workshop).

December 3 PLC Meeting Agenda
     1.  Icebreaker
     2.  Good News
     3.  Discuss Interim 1 Scores and Goal
     4.  Grade Level Common Assessment Report
a. Look for patterns with grade level
Breakout Sessions
     5.  Student Standard Grid (analyzing and creating groups):
a. Y5-2: Numeracy (Patton)-Mallari
b. 3-5: Interim 1 (Chuang)-Drain
c. 6-8: Interim 1 (Hegna)-Steeb
d. Interventions: Qualification Sheets
e. Special Ed-Evaluate Progress Monitoring
f.    Specials: Cross-curricular work (Davenport)
     6.  Launch

Early Release Agenda

We will continue our PLC work during our Early Release PD. Our focus will be on Phase 3 (Workshop Planning) of the Workshop Cycle. We will use this time creating teacher-led groups and pulling appropriate resources to support our students. All staff members, including hourly staff, attend our Early Release PDs.   

December 6 Early Release Agenda
     1.   Icebreaker
     2.   Good News
     3.   Student Standard Grid
     4.   Breakout Sessions:
a.    Grade level and/or content teams in team lead’s classrooms to gather resources
b.   Intervention-Qualification Sheets
c.     Special Ed-Evaluate Progress Monitor
d.   Specials-Continue cross-curricular work
     5.   Launch

Voice of the Parent Survey

Extra Hour of Prep...Anyone? 
Our Voice of the Parent survey window is now open. This survey provides our parents an opportunity to give us feedback. We want all our families to take the survey to gain true perspective. Students will earn a free dress on January 15, if their parents complete the survey by December 21. The first four classes that have 100% of their students complete the survey, the teachers will receive one additional hour of prep.

Shout Outs

Keystone Staff for the long hours, communication, and partnership that you put forth during parent-teacher conferences.

Kelly for creating a schedule so our parents were greeted and had an opportunity to take our Voice of Parent Survey.     
Brian, Emma, Kelly, Sarah D, Robyn, Ashley H, Ashley G and Jamie for greeting and giving parents an opportunity to take the survey.

Sarah D for anticipating my needs and having an Elmo projector available.

Stacey for your continuous work with EL and making sure that Sarah received proper support.   

Nicole and Andria for inviting me into your classrooms.  

Liz for continuously communicating to support students.

Diane for caring about the well-being of her student. Thank you for having the conversation with the parents. 

This Week

Monday, December 2:
   ·    Perfect Attendance Assembly
   ·    NJHS Canned Food Drive
   ·    Y5s-1st Grade Winter Reading MAP Testing

Tuesday, December 3:
   ·    Holiday Shop
   ·    Middle School Purple Club
   ·    PLC 4-5 PM
   ·    Y5s-1st Grade Winter Reading MAP Testing

Wednesday, December 4:
   ·    Holiday Shop
   ·    Perfect Attendance Rewards
   ·    PTO Meeting 4 PM in Parent Room
   ·    Y5s-1st Grade Winter Reading MAP Testing

Thursday, December 5:
   ·    Staff Wear Holiday or Winter Colors (red/green or white/blue)
   ·    Y5s-1st Grade Winter Reading MAP Testing

Friday, December 6:
   ·    Early Release 1:15 PM
   ·    Early Release PD 1:45-3:45 PM in the Gym
   ·    Y5s-2 SOM Assembly
   ·    K, 2, 4 AM Special Rotation
   ·    Staff Wear Over the Top Fur
   ·    Y5s-1st Grade Winter Reading MAP Testing

Happy Birthday

There is a special gift in the mailboxes of all the people who celebrate their birthdays in December.

12 Days Before Winter Break

The admin team has some fun planned for the 12 days before Winter Break. See below and let the fun begin…

Please note: you must participate to wear jeans.

School Goals-Chronic Absenteeism

Check out your chronic absenteeism numbers year-to-date!  Last year at this time we had 14.1% of our students considered chronically absent. Now we are down to 8.7%. That is a huge decrease of 45 students! Thank you to everyone for your efforts around attendance!

Parent-Teacher Conferences Lunches

The PTO will be providing lunch next week-Qdoba on Monday and Mediterranean on Tuesday. Please express your gratitude to the PTO and our families as you see them during conferences.

Shout Outs

Keystone Staff for being flexible and meeting on Tuesday.

Ellen for all your hard work around Dreambox.  

Kelly for purchasing all the school store items on your personal time.    

Brian, Emma, Eric, Kelly, and Sarah D. for thinking of creative items to sell at the school store and running it.

Jen H. for handling all the parent communication with attendance.

Tracy for providing wonderful treats!

Sarah M. for creating the Dreambox bulletin board.

This Week

Monday, November 25:
   ·    Redeem School Store Rewards
   ·    Parent-Teacher Conferences 4-8 PM. (All Salaried Staff Expected to Stay the Entire Time)

Tuesday, November 26:
   ·    ½ Day of School-Dismissal at 11:20 AM
   ·    Parent-Teacher Conferences 12-4 PM. (All Salaried Staff Expected to Stay the Entire Time)

Wednesday, November 27-Friday, November 29:
   ·    No School-Thanksgiving Break

Important Dates

Please view the right side of the blog for important dates in 

*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!  

Bulletin Board

Achievement Boards need to be done by Monday! If you changed your Achievement Board for Regional PD, you don’t need to change it again.

Please note: if the student work has a score on it, take off the student's name before displaying it. If the student’s work does not have a score on it, it is acceptable to post the student's name.

Make sure to include the following when posting your achievement board:
   ·    Title
   ·    Objective written as an I Can Statement
   ·    Standard (Common Core, NGSS, etc.)
   ·    Student work
   ·    Specific feedback for each student
o  Please write more than “Good job!”


Full Lesson Observations continue this week. Everyone should have their FLO scheduled.

Shout Out

Steve, Diane, Mechelle, Jena, Kelly, Eric, Tracy, and Tully for organizing our Veterans Day assembly. The level of excellence and honor that was bestowed upon our veterans was phenomenal.  

Stephanie, Ashley H., Jen H., Robyn, Ellen, Andria, and Stacey for having my back at a minute’s notice.

Jamie for handling a student’s medical situation so well.

Sarah Z. for responding immediately to a student experiencing a medical situation.

Robyn and Tabitha for helping with tardies every morning!    

Christina for always covering me and greeting students in the morning!   

Ashley H., Jen H., Ashley G., Robyn and Stephanie for working together to get all our visitors checked-in for Veterans Day.

Andria for shredding YEARS worth of documents.

Monique, Teri, and Anne for attending two different parent meetings during one prep.

This Week

Monday, November 18:
   ·    Achievement Boards Due
   ·    Grade 8 Science Interim
   ·    Grade 6 Science Interim
   ·    Grade 7 Social Studies Interim

Tuesday, November 19:
   ·    Grade 6 Science Interim
   ·    Staff Meeting 4 PM
   ·    Staff Meeting Snacks-8th Grade

Wednesday, November 20:
   ·    Grade 6 Social Studies Interim
   ·    Interim 1 Scan-by Date
   ·    Jorvonna Out of the Building-New Principal PD

Thursday, November 21:
   ·    Grade 6 Social Studies Interim
   ·    All Grades Entered

Friday, November 22:
   ·    Trimester 1 Ends
   ·    Report Cards Printed
   ·    Trimester 1 School Store
   ·    Spirit Day $1 Jeans & 50 cent Popcorn
   ·    Jorvonna Out of the Building-DSQ Principal Meeting