Shout Outs

Jamie for securing us a reunification location. Thank you for making the safety of Keystone a priority.

Robyn for giving an impromptu parent tour.

Jamie for creating schedules at the last minute for our new 7th and 8th grade students.   

Monique, Tully, Steve, Nicolle, Tracy, Kari, and Sloane for welcoming new students with a smile when you had no prior notice.

Melissa for administering WIDA to students in one day. Thank you for coming in on your day off!

Stacey for running a smooth and informative Title 1 Parent meeting.

Jamie and Robyn for taking on additional responsibilities in my absence.

Jen H. for going above and beyond to support our staff with student behavior. I appreciate how you will adjust your schedule to do NUMEROUS observations.  You are amazing!

Tricia for giving me a special treat that put a huge smile on my face!

Brian for allowing the gym to be used during the Title 1 Parent meeting.

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