Attendance Policy

As discussed in our staff meeting, we have a new attendance policy.

(Excused and Unexcused)
Procedure & Notification
Notification of Attendance Expectation to All Parents & Guardians
10% of total school days (any point in the school year)
Parent Meeting and Completion of Attendance Corrective Action Plan (A-CAP)
10 days
Parental Responsibility Citation from Sumpter Police*

18 days
Possible Retention for Students Not Making Adequate Academic Growth*

As always, you are a critical part in improving student attendance. Thank you for your positive and proactive efforts.

Parent Communication
     ·      Reach out to families with students who have 2 & 4 absences and “cc” your dean and Jen H. on the communication.
     ·      I am providing you with wording that you can use in your email communication to parents below. Please feel free to “tweak” the email templates to add your personal touch or if you have a unique situation.

Perfect Daily Attendance
     ·      Every classroom will try to spell out the word HERE, then PRESENT, and finally ATTENDANCE.
     ·       The class receives a letter each day that all students are present, on time, and with no early dismissals.
     ·      When each of the words are spelled out, the classroom receives a reward that is determined by the teacher; not to exceed 30 mins (jeans day, movie, electronics day, extra recess, etc.)
     ·      First students will spell the word “HERE” on the board (4 days of perfect attendance). Then, the classroom will try to spell out the word PRESENT (7 more days of perfect attendance), and finally ATTENDANCE (10 additional days).     
     ·      If a class spells all three words, they would have had 4+7+10=21 days of perfect attendance.
     ·      Perfect attendance begins on the first day of school. You can back track.
o   Congratulations to Mrs. Kaminski’s class who has already spelled the word “HERE!”

     ·      Don’t forget to include this in your weekly newsletter to parents.

Please make sure to notify me when your class spells out each word, so that I can announce it during Morning Assembly and in my Sunday Night Phone Call.

BIG SHOUT OUT to Cindy Chuang who create a template for each of the words and is willing to share. 

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