Core Values

Did you know that Stephanie orders about 10 cases of paper each week? Each case contains 5,000 sheets of paper. 

That means:
     ·       On average, we are going through about 50, 000 sheets of paper a week. 
     ·       We are using 10,000 sheets of paper a day!!!
     ·       Each student is given approximately 13 worksheets a day.

Another troubling fact is that I often see paper left in the copier room that no one claims. Please be cognizant before you press print.

We use our Core Values as a way to get us to our College Readiness Goal. One of our Core Values is act with discipline to sustain our academic success and financial viability. With this  Core Value in mind, I found some ideas online for alternative to worksheets. I would love to hear if anyone tries some of them out.
     ·       Write on something else: an iPad app (Doodle Lite), white boards, on the desk or table with Expo markers, etc
     ·       Blog response: use online tools to engage students in their learning. It not only saves paper, but you time when grading. It can be a simple as posting a prompt.
     ·       Group work only requires one sheet of paper for several students
     ·       Think-pair-share: Allow students to develop their understanding through conversations. It’s been proven that kids do learn from each other.  
    ·    Graphic Organizers: after a lesson, instead of a worksheet, place students in groups with a poster paper to create a graphic organizer about something they just learned. Give students poster paper and markers and watch their creativity!

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