

Keystone Staff for one of the best school years I have ever experienced. Thank you for your commitment to each other and our students. I am honored to lead this great school.  

Robyn for buying me lunch last Friday.   

Sarah for conducting yourself well during parent conflict. I was proud of the way you stood your ground while maintaining professionalism.

Tameka for consistently checking in on the main office this week to make sure everything was okay.

Ja’Rayl, Jamie, Monique, Falak, and Megan for planning a great field day. I love seeing all the excitement on our students’ faces.

Monique and Teri for staying extremely late to make sure that field day was all set up.

Teri for recruiting family to help set up field day.

Steve, Tracy, and Sam for taking our students across state lines to provide them with memories that will last a lifetime.

Mark, Cindy, and Austin for taking our students to the UP. You have given them an unforgettable experience.  

Emily for supervising our students who stayed back. I know it wasn’t easy, but I appreciate you!

Sandy and Robyn for going above and beyond to help a student in need.

Tameka for being our unofficial photographer. Thank you for capturing these moments.

Jetal for your commitment to providing services to our special education students for the past several months. You’ve gone above and beyond ensuring minutes were met, writing progress reports, attending planning meetings and providing meaningful input.  

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