Shout Outs


Crystal, Mandy, Megan, Jessica, Flo, Sarah Mason, Ashley B, Nikki, Sky, Kristin, Alex, Christina, Ashley A, Teri, Monique, Falak, Danielle, Amy, Josie, Jeanne, Kim J, Kim B, Lisa, Sandy, Andria, Jen D, Ellen, Cindy Conti, Amanda, Robyn, Tameka, and Stacey for attending and being engaged during the Quick Drill PD.    

Jamie for taking initiative and getting our cameras fixed.

Emma for your communication and creative skills.  

Jessica and Jamie for sending out communication to our families to assist with parental involvement.  

Stephanie for always being willing to take care of someone special.  

Kari for my sweet treat. It’s the random act of kindness that means so much.  

Amanda for providing bagels to the entire staff.  

Jamie, Robyn, Tameka, and Stacey for always responding to ALL my emails.

Stacey Ramirez for your creativity making our dress code visual.

Stephanie and Deb for going above and beyond with the lunch table delivery.

Robyn for taking initiative and updating the EOY dates.  

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