Black History Month


Black History Month begins on Tuesday. How are you celebrating it in your classroom? We would like each classroom to do an activity each week in honor of Black History Month. Please make sure to focus on the accomplishments and achievements of African Americans, instead of the difficulties that were/are endured. We would like to reserve those topics (slavery, Civil Rights Movements, etc.) for 5th and 8th grade where there are standards and resources to support the accuracy and sensitivity that is required to teach these topics.  

Furthermore, I want to encourage you to go beyond African American athletics, actors, musicians, and those whom students are already familiar with (MLK, Rosa Parks, etc.). Instead introduce students to scientists, lawyers, inventors, entrepreneurs, etc. that will broaden their knowledge of the contributions made by so many other African Americans.

In addition to the amazing presentation that Steve and Diane will create for morning assembly, the Holiday and Celebration committee is looking to secure presenters to come to our school throughout the month. I will keep you posted once they have something scheduled.

Lastly, please invite me into your classroom when you are doing these activities so I can take pictures and include it in the Sunday night phone cast and on our Facebook page.

2.18.22 Early Release PD


We have our next Early Release on February 18. We will spend that time going over our reunification plan and visiting our reunification location. 

All staff (hourly, salary, Preferred, and Aramark) need to attend. 

More information to come, but please mark your calendars for this important meeting.

2.18.22 Early Release by embryjd on Scribd

Valentine's Day Party


You are welcome to plan a small Valentine’s Day celebration in your classroom on Monday, February 14. We request that this celebration take place the last 30 minutes of the day. If you would like to do Valentine’s Day themed academic activities throughout the day, you are welcome to do that as well.

Per our student handbook, “Students in grades K-5 may celebrate by bringing valentines for their classmates. Students who bring valentines must give one to each of their classmates.”

To maximize time, have your students only write who it’s from, instead of writing each student’s name on the valentines. If you do provide a class list to families, please make sure you do not include last names.

Two's Day


On 2.22.22, we will be celebrating Two’s Day. Students are able to pair off with a friend and dress alike. In addition, we want to encourage you to do some fun activities in your classroom. You can find some ideas by clicking on this link.

The admin team will be providing a taco lunch from Hidalgo since Two’s Day is on a Tuesday! 😊

Admin Observations


The admin team will continue to focus on workshop for our collaborative observations during the month of February. I have been impressed with all the observations so far. Thank you for owning our school goal to “monitor and respond to common assessment data.”

Shout Outs


Stacey Reed for sending the February Friends communication.  

Jamie Steeb for handing out February Friend Surveys to staff.

Stephanie for ordering all our reunification materials. Thank you for being organized and meticulous.

Stacey Ramirez for creating our reunification card. Your talents amaze me.

Jamie for handling all the COVID communication in my absence.  

Jamie and Tameka for handling Level 6 behaviors.  

Lindsey for providing your expertise with the reimbursement process.  

Stacey Reed for proofreading EVERYTHING! You have a gift.

Robyn Mallari for working on an updated traffic schedule.

Monique for sharing kindness resources.

Flo, Mandy, and Josie for planning our staff holiday party.

Cindy Chuang and Kari for providing students a new way to give back and clear communication to staff.

This Week


Monday, January 31:

   ·    Facebook Post Due to Jorvonna (4th Grade)

   ·    6th Grade Science Interim 2

   ·    SLT Meeting (Team Leads) 3:50-4:20 PM

Thursday, February 3:

   ·    Purple Club

Friday, February 4:

   ·    Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Chinese New Year (Shroff)

   ·    Payday Breakfast-7th Grade

   ·    Payday Staff Jeans-Professional top and shoes with blue or black jeans (no rips or tears).

Saturday, February 5:

   ·    Kim B’s Birthday

Important Dates


February 8: Staff Meeting (Salaried Staff) 4-5 PM

February 8: Staff Meeting Snacks-4th Grade

February 9: Count Day

February 9: Black History Month (BHM) Spirit Day-students may wear BHM tops or solid colored red, black, or green tops with jeans for FREE.

February 10: Jessica W’s Birthday

February 11: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Presidents’ Day (Ancrile)

February 14: Show Some LOVE Spirit Day-students can wear Valentine tops or solid colored pink, white, or red shirts with jeans for FREE.

February 18: Payday Breakfast-5th Grade

February 18: Early Release 1:15 PM

February 18: Dress Down Day for FREE

February 18: Early Release PD (All Staff) 1:45-4:00 PM

February 18: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Black History Month (Jordan)

February 19: Cindy Chuang’s Birthday

February 21: No School-Presidents’ Day

February 21-25: 3-8 Math Interim 2

February 22: Twins Day-students may pair off with a friend and dress alike since it’s Two’s Day (2.22.22)

February 22: PLC Meeting (Salaried Staff) 4-5 PM

February 24: Stefanie L’s Birthday

February 25: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Reading Month (Reading Month Committee)

February 25: Change Bulletin Boards

February 25: Lisa’s Birthday

February 25: Intervention Meetings

February 25: Positive Parent Contact Due

February 25: Spirit Day $1.00

February 28: Jessica G’s Birthday

February 28-March 4: Deans & Principal Appreciation Week

February 28: Facebook Post Due to Jorvonna-5th Grade


*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!  

Happy Birthday

Kim B: February 5

Extra Time


One of our Core Values is “Make our schools the best choice for parents and students.”

One way that we can “make our school the best choice for parents and students” is by maintaining positive relationships and strong partnerships with our families. To maintain our strong partnerships with our families, we are asking all teachers to make another Positive Family Connection by February 25. You did this in August when you contacted all your families via phone and/or a Google Meet (no emails) to introduce yourself and share something positive about their child.

Not only does this support our Core Values, but it also supports our school goal to “Decrease attrition rates from 17.1% (2020-21 SY) to 16.1% by the end of this school year through yearlong family engagement events.” We know there is academic and behavior value in keeping our students at Keystone.

The admin team acknowledges that this will take time to complete, so we will be providing you with an additional 30-minute prep the week of February 14. We know that this task will take more than 30 minutes, but we hope you recognize and appreciate our intentions to help you maintain a better work-life balance. Please see the schedule below.

Extra Prep Schedule-Parent Phone Calls by embryjd on Scribd

Flower Gram


Our National Junior Honor Society will be selling Valentine's Day Flower Grams the week of January 31- February 4. Students can purchase one carnation for $2, or three carnations for $5 to send to anyone in the school.  The flowers will be delivered to the recipient on Valentine's Day.  Students may purchase the flowers from their homeroom teacher. Teachers will be provided with a gallon bag to collect money.  Students will fill out a card with the recipient's name, homeroom teacher (grade level), and a special message. Money and completed cards are due to Ms. Chuang or Ms. Borowiak on February 4.

*Special note for teachers: Make sure the student is signing their own name, and not sending it with another student's name. "Anonymous" is okay.

Admin Observations


This week for collaborative admin observations, we will continue to focus on workshop lesson plans aligning to instruction. Please make sure that you are pulling small groups daily based on data. This will support our school goal to “monitor and respond to common assessment data.”

Shout Outs


Monique for double-checking the assembly presentation schedule.  

Tricia for putting away the lunch tables for me.

Stacey Ramirez for handling all initial quarantine phone calls.

Stephanie for ensuring that our attendance audit goes well. Thank you for spending two days correcting errors.

Stacey Reed for being our reunification scribe.

Tameka for getting all the PD logs entered.

Jamie for your hard work and research pertaining to reunification. This has been 3 years in the making and I am excited that we have a solid plan.

Robyn for working on a schedule to give time back.

Jessica, Rebecca, Kim B, and Ja’Rayl for always assisting the admin team with tables.

Rebecca for organizing our lost and found.

Cindy Chuang for always providing me with a fundraiser blurb for the blog and phone cast.  

This Week


Monday, January 24:

   ·    3-8 ELA Interim 2 (January 24-28)

   ·    3, 4, 5, 7, 8 Science Interim 2 (January 24-28)

   ·    K-2 Math Numeracy 2 (January 24-28)

   ·    Jorvonna Out of the Building-Personal


Tuesday, January 25:

PLC (Team) Meeting 4-5 pm

Friday, January 28:

   ·    Spirit Day $1

   ·    Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Black History Month (Turner)

   ·    Holiday Party at Tailgate Garage 4:30

Important Dates


January 31: Facebook Post Due to Jorvonna (4th Grade)

January 31-February 4: 6th Grade Science Interim 2

February 1: SLT Meeting (Team Leads) 3:50-4:20 PM

February 3: Purple Club

February 4: Payday Friday Breakfast-7th Grade

February 4: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Chinese New Year (Shroff)

February 5: Kim B’s Birthday

February 8: Staff Meeting (Salaried Staff) 4-5 PM

February 8: Staff Meeting Snacks-4th Grade

February 9: Count Day

February 9: Black History Month (BHM) Spirit Day-students may wear BHM tops or solid colored red, black, or green tops with jeans for FREE.

February 10: Jessica W’s Birthday

February 11: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-President’s Day (Ancrile)

February 14: Show Some LOVE Spirit Day-students can wear Valentine tops or solid colored pink, white, or red shirts with jeans for FREE.

February 18: Payday Breakfast-5th Grade

February 18: Early Release 1:15 PM

February 18: Dress Down Day for FREE

February 18: Early Release PD (All Staff) 1:45-4:00 PM

February 18: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Black History Month (Jordan)

February 19: Cindy Chuang’s Birthday

February 21: No School-President’s Day

February 21-25: 3-8 Math Interim 2

February 22: Twins Day-students may pair off with a friend and dress alike since it’s Two’s Day (2.22.22)

February 22: PLC Meeting (Salaried Staff) 4-5 PM

February 24: Stefanie L’s Birthday

February 25: Morning Assembly Presentation Due-Reading Month (Reading Month Committee)

February 25: Change Bulletin Boards

February 25: Lisa’s Birthday

February 25: Intervention Meetings

February 25: Positive Parent Contact Due

February 25: Spirit Day $1.00

February 28: Jessica G’s Birthday

February 28-March 4: Deans & Principal Appreciation Week

February 28: Facebook Post Due to Jorvonna-5th Grade


*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!  

Happy Birthday


There is a special gift in the mailboxes of all the people who celebrate their birthdays in February.

Staff Holiday Party


Mark your calendars! The Keystone annual holiday party is Friday, January 28 at 4:30 pm. We are going to the Tailgate Garage in Canton for some fun, food, and games. Since we will be leaving directly from school, that Friday will be a casual day for staff so you can be dressed appropriately to participate in axe throwing, fowling, and archery tag. 

Don’t miss out!

Core Values

One of our Core Values is “Do the right thing always.” A descriptor for that Core Value says, “We embrace accountability by holding ourselves and others to high standards, taking responsibility for our actions, following through on our commitments and admitting when we are wrong.”

One way that we “do the right thing always” is through our weekly/bi-weekly classroom observations. Through classroom observations the admin team gets the opportunity to see high quality instruction and share the best practices with the entire staff (staff meetings). In addition, we are able to give meaningful and direct feedback about teacher instructional delivery and content. These practices help to strengthen our school culture of growth and collaboration.

February 8 & 10


We are unable to approve any days off on February 8 and 10 due to all subs being used for Beginning Teacher PD. Please reach out if you have concerns.

Admin Observations


This week for collaborative admin observations, we will focus on workshop lesson plans aligning to classroom instruction. Please make sure that you are pulling small groups daily based on data. This will support our school goal to “monitor and respond to common assessment data.”

A Message From Our Academic Specialist


We love that you are utilizing the books from the book room and providing a variety of texts to increase their love for reading. At this time, we have 49 sets of incomplete books from the library book room sitting in our office waiting to be reunited with its set.  We want to remind you that you should not be putting back incomplete sets.  If a student loses a book or one becomes damaged, please put the set in our mailbox.  If you see a set on the shelf is missing a book, please pull the books and put them in our mailbox as well.  This would be a great help to us.  The books are all labeled with the number in each set.  Thank you for your support as we continue to make our book room a great resource for everyone!

Shout Outs


Ellen, Andria, Alex, Jamie, Stacey Reed, and Robyn for presenting at the staff meeting.  

Lindsey for your support and expertise with a parent communication.  

Stephanie for being the frontline of COVID calls. You intervening on my behalf has saved me a lot of hours.

Stacey Reed for facilitating the staff meeting.  

Jena for sharing science resources with the entire staff.  

Stacey for all your planning, scheduling, and communication for afterschool tutoring. 

Tameka for making sure that all staff receive SCECHs for professional learning.

Robyn for always doing an amazing job with morning assembly. You contribute greatly to our positive school culture.  

Jamie for your hard work with planning our reunification process.