Shout Outs


Teri, Monique, Falak and Angel for conducting a thorough investigation pertaining to a student behavior. You truly were detectives.

Sandy for subbing in kindergarten. I don’t know how we would have made it through the day without you.

Stefanie for helping with attendance grids, onboarding, new students, and missing documentation.

Stephanie for EVERYTHING that you are doing in the absence of a registrar.

Robyn, Jamie, Tameka, and Stacey for doing the impossible everyday with a smile on your face. The many roles that you take on each day so that our staff can have some normalcy is greatly appreciated.  

Tameka for making several parent phone calls to ensure positive communication.

Jessica for always helping with lunch tables. 

Emma for your amazing communication around school store.

Jen H for being a health inspector every morning. 

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