Shout Outs

Stacey, Tameka, Robyn, Jamie, Anne, Stephanie, Jen H, Angel, Tricia, Laquanda, Nikki, and Ashley H for my birthday gifts. Your generosity put the biggest smile on my face! You have no idea how you brightened my day.  

Stacey for taking initiative to scheduling MICIP meetings to ensure we meet the deadline.  

Jamie and Stacey for spending your Sunday afternoon assisting with contact tracing.   

Sarah D, Brian, Emma, and Jessica G for a successful school store.

Teri and Jenaca for having your class sing happy birthday to me. It made me feel very special.

Tameka for lesson planning for two different grade levels. I don’t know how you are still standing.

Stacey for making sure we have sub coverage for EL, Special Ed, and anyone else that needed a sub.

Robyn for being unselfish and putting your own needs aside so that we can help someone else. You constantly amaze me with the care you show others.

Jen H for balancing your caseload and subbing! Thanks for setting those students up for a successful transition.

Jamie for being a mastermind in figuring out the win-win solution in an impossible situation.

Stacey for your support with the lunch schedule.

Jamie for volunteering to conduct parent-teacher conferences. Thank you for seeing a need and filling a need. You care regarding students and families shows in everything that you do.

Mechelle for taking on an additional class and a lot of responsibilities to support students. We don’t know what we would have done without you. Our school is better because of you!  

Christina for making another change this school year but switching instructional models with a smile on your face and without hesitation!  I’m excited that you will be able to provide those students with stability.

Jen H for stepping in to assist with a student behavior during your lunch.

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